Thursday, May 29, 2014


Recently, I've been thinking a lot about balance, specifically of the work/life variety. How do I achieve this? Is it even possible? I certainly know when I feel off balance, and breathe a little easier when I perceive things are "under control", but how do I make peace with this once and for all?

Imagine my delight when I started flipping through the January issue of Real Simple (yes, I'm just a little behind on my magazine reading) and saw an article on this exact topic. They interviewed 10 influential folks specifically about work/life balance, and here are a few thoughts that really resonated with me.
"The assumption that everything must be right with the world or your life is out of balance is silly and, frankly, impossible." –Anna Quindlen
 That's the thing, isn't it? It isn't just that we should achieve balance, but that everything is 100% right in the world and done perfectly. If I picture what my ideal balanced day is, it is completely unrealistic: crossing every item off my to-do list at work, leaving on time with an inbox count of zero, cooking a delicious and healthy dinner, and drifting off to sleep after reading in bed. This may happen ONE day a year, if that. Pieces and parts of it do happen, however, and that is much more realistic.
"There's no ideal 50-50. Moment by moment, we're figuring it out, and what works is constantly changing." –Ellen Galinsky
Today's perfectly balanced day may look completely different from tomorrow's. After a hectic work day, Netflix & takeout might be just the ticket to get the pendulum to swing in the other direction. After an easy and accomplished day, I could do 3 loads of laundry, FaceTime with my parents, wash the dishes, and feel just as good when my head hits the pillow. We must get rid of this notion that balance is always the same, and that if we don't hit the mark, we're completely off kilter.

"If you have the luxury of thinking about balance, you're ahead of the game almost by definition." –Jennifer Senior
And then there is this: if we even have time to contemplate this, we're doing pretty good. Some days we'll eat a cupcake when we should have had kale, some days we'll stay late at work and miss out on having dinner with our significant other, and once in a blue moon we'll actually do it all. It's making the choice every single day to do our best that really matters.

{Image via Pinterest

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Embracing the Moment

"...Oh my God, what if you wake up some day, and you're 65, or 75, and you never got your memoir or novel written; or you didn't go swimming in warm pools and oceans all those years because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy; or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing that you forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination and radical silliness and staring off into space like when you were a kid? It's going to break your heart. Don't let this happen." –Anne Lamott 

It has been a busy and off-kilter few weeks, and this week, I'm reveling in the comfort of routine and "regular life". First, there was an incredibly busy week at work leading up to a major event, and I spent the majority of my evenings and weekend time trying to make sense of my crazy to-do list. Next came a week spent in California visiting my beau's family, and last week I had a pre-cancerous mole removed from the bottom of my foot that was about 100x times more painful than I'd anticipated. This week, I'm pressing the reset button and embracing the moments of my regular life that are oh so sweet. 

I read the wonderful quote above on Cup of Jo last week, and it's been on my mind ever since. How many moments do I not fully appreciate because something isn't quite perfect? It's so easy to look to the future toward something that hasn't yet happened as when life really starts (when I lose 10 pounds, when I get married, when I figure out work/life balance, etc). But, life is happening now, in every single small moment of flossing your teeth, washing an endless amount of dishes, or pressing the snooze button. I'm not sure about you, but life is really zipping by at an alarming rate recently, and I want to do my best to stop and savor the moments as they are actually happening. 

This weekend, my beau and I took a blanket to a nearby park and I finished a fantastic book (This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper) while lying in the grass and listening to the kids playing nearby. I thought about taking a picture for Instagram, but resisted. Later that night, we laughed our heads off watching a Louie C.K. comedy special on HBO. Yesterday, instead of grabbing a Clif bar on the way out the door to work, I made breakfast and sat down at the table to eat it. Is any of that going to show up on the highlight reel of my life? Likely not, but I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

I don't want to wait for life to start, I want to embrace all of the beautiful moments that are happening right now. And if that means donning a bathing suit when I don't feel 100% comfortable, choosing not to share something on social media, or leaving the dishes in the sink until morning, so be it. 

P.S. I'm happy and slightly nervous to share that last week, I was a guest on Sarah Bagley's fantastic podcast. We talked about perfectionism, balance, and living in the moment. 

{Image via Pinterest

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Recent Inspiration

There is just something about the change of season that has made me feel lighter and happier recently, and inspiration is popping up everywhere. I've run across so many terrific posts recently that have helped me my ordinary life through new eyes. I hope you enjoy connecting with these lovely ladies as much as I have!
The Lively Show Podcast – Several friends recommended this podcast, and I've listened to a few episodes this week and found them all incredibly inspiring. Jess has an affirming way of putting her guests at ease and bringing out their best, and even folks I had known about before (Grace Bonney, Erin Loechner, Danielle Moss) I saw in a fresh, new, inspiring light. My favorite tidbit was from the Erin Loechner episode, about figuring out what your "golden hours" (i.e. most productive) are, and making the most of them personally & professionally. 

Pressing the Reset Button via Flora & Fauna – I adore Tatiana's blog (she is a blog-turned-real-life-friend!), and I often get a boost from reading her well written words. In this particular post, she shares how making a few changes to her daily schedule, food, and organization made a huge difference.  "Sometimes we just need a reset button and this week was a good reminder that it doesn't always have to happen on january one, sometimes you need to start fresh in march, april or whenever." 

The Lines of a Story by Roots, Wings & Wanderings Caiti is definitely a kindred spirit internet friend for me, and I find myself constantly inspired by her perspective. Recently, she has been exploring natural skincare, and she shared a post about the beauty of aging naturally. "We are given exactly one body during our lifetime, and I believe it is simply a container for our spirit. A spirit that needs to express itself through movement, labor, love. Even if that means we get a little worn around the edges, a little soft in the middle."

Productivity & Taking a Break by FunnelCloud –  Rachel took an "Olympic break" this February from social media and the internet and focused instead on truly savoring the moment. As someone who spends far too much timing looking at a screen myself (often as soon as I open my eyes in the morning!), I absolutely loved reading about how this break boosted her productivity and caused her to see everything with new eyes. "If I needed a break - those times I would usually glance at my phone - I sat down and read a book. I interacted with my dogs. I tasted my food. I looked out the window and appreciated the snow with my own eyes instead of looking at 20 photos in a row on Instagram of other people's snow-covered porch furniture."

A Fresh Look at Beauty & Wellness from MakeupTIA – I've long been a fan of Ashley's beauty videos, and many of the products she's recommended are my absolute favorites. But in the past few weeks, she's gone beyond the best lipstick or nail polish to share her weight loss journey, beautifying foods (and easy ways to eat them daily!) and new products that help from the inside out. She is such a brave & inspiring lady, and I'm eager to see what she shares next. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Small Shift

There comes a moment when something shifts ever so slightly, but you feel as if a much bigger change has taken place. This week, I feel like I've been surrounded by those moments, and it's caused me to breathe a little easier and feel a little more connected to the world around me. 

I've been trying to do a little bit of yoga every day, even if  it's just 5 minutes of light stretching. I've been loving the Do You Yoga 30-Day Challenge, which I completed this fall and have been revisiting my favorite videos this month. The other day, I realized that it was just a little easier to get through the various poses, my muscles had gotten just a little stronger and I was able to enjoy the practice instead of counting down the moments until the "hard part" was over. 

With the time change, I now get to drive home with the sun still shining and there is a little sliver still peeking into my apartment at night when I arrive home. Though I get home at exactly the same time, that extra few minutes of light energizes me and makes me feel as if the evening stretches on a little longer. 

Things have also been extremely busy at work recently. When priorities shift and looming deadlines approach (especially for a tightly wound person such as myself), it's easy to feel that you'll never catch up. Yesterday, I finished two large projects and was actually able to feel a little space in my schedule to get reorganized and knock out those nagging tasks that have been lingering on my to-do list. 

Even though these were all small shifts in my daily life, they had a ripple effect that made me feel a little lighter as I continued with my week – I'm a little stronger, things are a little sunnier, and I'm breathing a little easier. And, although the weather out there today is decidedly wintery, I'm looking forward to the positive changes that the new season will bring. 

{Image via Pinterest} 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Joy of Giving

Today is my mom's birthday. To set the scene, this woman loves birthdays. When I was growing up, she even made me a "half cake" for my half birthday, and even now that I'm in my 30s, she never fails to buy me multiple presents and call me on the morning of my birthday to sing to me. Even the year that my grandma (her mother) passed away 3 days before my 30th birthday, she selflessly put aside her own grieving to make the day special for me.

Couple that with the fact that she lives 350 miles away, I wanted to do something this year to make her feel extra special. I started with my normal routine, picking out a lipstick shade I knew she'd love from Sephora and choosing the best card Target had to offer. But then, something propelled me to take it a step further. I was thinking about sending flowers to her office, but then an even better idea struck me: cupcakes! 

My mom loves cupcakes, especially the extra pretty and delicious ones from Georgetown cupcake. Every time she visits here, we swing by for a sweet treat (I definitely got my sweet tooth from my mother), and many visits home, a pink box sits snuggly on my backseat as I make the 6 hour drive. I learned that I could ship a dozen cupcakes to her, overnight at a pretty reasonable price. I had fun choosing which flavors she would enjoy, and set it up to be delivered to her work. 

Waiting a week for her birthday to arrive was like waiting for Christmas as a kid! I had really been downplaying my gift to her via text & the phone, so she hopefully would be completely surprised. Though I'm notoriously not a morning person, I woke up this morning and literally couldn't wait to hear from her. I was obsessively checking the UPS tracking number, and had my cell phone prominently placed so I wouldn't miss a peep.

Around 1pm, she called, and I knew immediately from her tear-filled voice that she was very happy. And, my own heart swelled. Doing something like this for her made me even happier than if I'd received the cupcakes myself. And, it really made me think about the little things I can do for others in my day to day life – offering to go get coffee for a coworker, calling my grandparents, doing the dishes after dinner without the "who's turn is it?" conversation, and being kind to the people I interact with on a daily basis. Oftentimes, when we are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or sad, connecting with the outside world makes the biggest impact. 

And now, I think I might need to go get myself a cupcake. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Facing Fears

Those who are closest to me know that I really struggle with change and being outside of my comfort zone. I love tradition and things that I'm familiar with. I'm not exactly the most flexible person you'll ever meet. I won't be the gal to go white water rafting with you, and while I love to read about goal setting, I can be adverse to anything that rocks the balance I've created in my world. 

Earlier this year, I shared that I'm using Lara Casey's Powersheets to chart out my goals this year, and the first step of the process was identifying your fears, as well as your highlights/achievements from the previous year. I thought this was a very insightful process, as it caused me to reflect upon the things I was proudest of, as well as giving thought to what may be holding me back from moving forward in life. 

It was easy to identify change as one of my largest fears, but what was very surprising to me is that nearly all of the highlights from my year involved times that I did bravely step out of my comfort zone and into the unknown. The obvious takeaway is that pushing myself to confront that fear brought the happiest and most gratifying moments, which really does make perfect sense. 

I moved out of the apartment I'd lived in for over 6 years, and in with my beau. Though this was clearly something I was very happy to do, I would be challenged to feel at home somewhere new, as well as opening my heart to sharing a home with a significant other for the first time. It was honestly one of the easiest things I've ever done, and even in those first few days, I didn't miss my old apartment at all. 

This fall, my college alma mater invited me to participate in a musical theater showcase. While I was initially very excited to participate (seeing old friends! singing on stage again!), I grew extremely nervous because I hadn't actually performed onstage since I took my final bow in Fiddler on the Roof senior year of college 10 years prior. But, I decided to embrace the opportunity and had an absolutely terrific time. 

I have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, and have fought finding a way to make it better because, quite frankly, I was scared. I was used to feeling that way, and what if I didn't like feeling different? What if it got worse? You get the picture. But, this year, I took a few brave steps toward finding a solution, and I feel better than ever. 

The lesson? I'm much stronger and more adaptable than I think I am, and stepping outside of my comfort zone and facing those fears have accounted for some of the absolute best moments in the past year. As we continue to move into 2014, I am trying to find more of these moments, and I hope that you do the same. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Favorite Podcasts

About 7 months ago, my commute to work changed from 25 minutes to between 45 minutes and 90 minutes (thank you, DC traffic!). To keep my mind sane on those long drives every day and help feel that I wasn't "wasting" it while sitting on the Beltway, I started listening to podcasts and audio books. I'd always enjoyed the occasional podcast, but I hadn't started listening with any regularity or devotion until I was sitting in my car for a potential of 3 hours per day. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a Spotify sing-along does happen on a particularly grueling day, but these fabulous podcasts have certainly become a bright spot in my week. 

The Sarah R. Bagley Podcast - I'm lucky enough to have Sarah as a blog-friend-turned-real-life-friend, and I'm so happy that she started this podcast venture this year. The premise behind her podcast (and lovely blog) is "a recovering perfectionist's guide to a B+ life", and I find it incredibly inspiring. Plus, she's been interviewing other favorite bloggers of mine, and it's been so fun to hear the actual voices of those blogs I have been reading for years. 

Ask Me Another - I'm late to the party on this one, but it is just such fun! It's a quiz style game show with hilarious banter and Jonathan Coulton as the house musician. I literally laugh out loud, smile, and occasionally applaud when I listen to this one. And, when I occasionally know the answers, I feel like such a smarty pants. 

Joy the Baker - Joy and her best friend Tracy are just delightful. They talk about "totally important unimportant things", as well as answering listener questions. Listening to these two is like spending time with your best girlfriends, and I laugh and feel inspired in equal parts. 

After the Jump - This podcast by Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge is such a treat to listen to each week. Grace is very well spoken and inspiring, and she spends the half hour show either interviewing a designer, chef, or artists, or talking by herself about the tools that help her life and business. Recently, she's been doing a series on things that make things easier, from apps to social media to lessons she wished she'd known when she started her business. 

Pop Culture Happy Hour - This hour-long show features a spirited group of people discussing movies, TV, music, books, and nostalgia. It's always entertaining and informative, whether they are discussing my current favorite TV show or something I'm not familiar with. 

I'm always in the market for new podcasts, so please share your favorites with me! 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Disconnect & Connect

On Saturday, the weather in DC was decidedly spring like -- sunny & 60s. After the coldest and snowiest winter in recent history, it was an instant mood boost to have a day like that. My beau and I decided to celebrate the weather by taking a long walk around our neighborhood in Arlington, and it was the best decision I've made in recent memory. 

Our neighborhood was filled with people enjoying the day -- people walking their dogs, dads shooting hoops with their kids, a little boy playing around with a hose in his driveway, and girls arriving for a birthday party with brightly colored balloons. As we walked and walked, we connected with these people with a friendly nod or smile. Everyone was happy, everyone was enjoying life. 

It felt wonderful to be connected to those around us. In the busy metropolitan area that we live in, it's easy to feel a distinct lack of connection to strangers. We are constantly surrounded by people -- sometimes, it feels, too many people -- as we commute to work and wait in line at the grocery store. But as I stopped to pet a dog and chat with the owner about how nice the day was, I realized that everyone is looking for that bond with others. 

Also, it was so nice to stroll hand in hand with my beau and be able to connect with him. We talked about anything and everything that came up, and it was so refreshing to have that time with him where the only distractions were the bright sunshine and cool breeze. Of course, we talk all the time (probably a little too much if you ask him), but our world was free from to-do lists, iPhone screens, and dirty dishes, if only for a moment, and we could focus on each other. 

My mind was also blissfully clear, remembering walks I'd taken with my grandparents as a child on days exactly like that, and allowing a little room to daydream instead of just slogging through the next thing to accomplish. What an easy thing to do, yet often put to the back burner because of "more important" tasks. 

As we move fully into the spring season over the coming weeks, I am going to challenge myself to find more of these moments - moments to equally disconnect (with those things that tend to take up too much of our attention) and connect (with those things that truly matter). 

{Image via Pinterest}

Friday, February 21, 2014

Weekly Favorites

I feel like the internet has been chock-full of inspiration lately, and I wanted to share some of my favorite things that have been posted this week. I love reading blogs, because they have connected me with so many like-minded people around the country that I otherwise would never have met. Reading their posts is like a breath of fresh air. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

+ Ashlee of Where My Heart Resides wrote a beautiful post about not keeping score in our friendshipsWhat if instead of keeping score we simply poured into each other as best we could and helped each other with whole, generous hearts?

+ Analiese of The Necessary Wild shares her winter care essentialsSometimes the most utterly simple shifts in a self-care routine can make all the difference in one's state of mind.

+ Nina of Wee Mountains tells her secret for a happy marriage.’s about growing, and changing, and compromising, and saying “I’m sorry.” and “You’re right.” and “Thank you for loving me at my most unlovable moments.”

+ Emma of A Beautiful Mess wrote an extremely heartfelt post about achieving your dreams, and how they might change along the wayLife is absolutely full of opportunities. Don't let them pass you by simply because they aren't the opportunities you thought you wanted. We don't always know what direction our life will go.

+ Ashley of That Is All shares her favorite radiant orchid makeup products, which is just the boost I needed during this endless winter. Purple is known to be a universally flattering color, and I think Radiant Orchid with it's pink undertone is especially pretty.

{Image via Pinterest}

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ducks in a Row

I am by no means an expert at organization, but my Type-A personality means that I've tried many different ways of tracking my to-do lists, appointments, and tasks. To me, keeping things like this well-organized means that my brain is free to actually do these things, instead of wondering what comes next. And, because I'm a person who can become overwhelmed easily, having all of my ducks in a row keeps that feeling at bay. I may be a tad Monica Gellar, but it works really well for me. 

My Organizational Tools 

Erin Condren Life Planner
I've long been a paper planner gal. While I do incorporate digital elements, nothing works better or is more satisfying for me than writing things down in a paper planner. I love to see the week at a glance, as well as schedule tasks & to-dos for particular days. I also use this planner as a journal of sorts, as I jot down random activities, meals, etc. I've used other planners in the past, but so far, this one is my favorite. It's a bit of an investment, but for something that I use daily for 12 months, it's worth it. It has a monthly spread and a weekly spread with each day broken down into morning, day, and evening, as well as a goals/notes section and room for other to-do lists or notes at the bottom. I may switch it up next year and try Emily Ley's Simplified Life Planner (swoon!), but for now, this is working really well. 

Finally, a place for ALL of my notes and lists to coexist together! I'm a recent adopter of Evernote, but have been using it on my work & personal computers, iPhone, and iPad consistently for a few months. Admittedly I don't use these to the fullest, but it's a great place to keep track of important lists & documents that you'd like to access from anywhere. I keep my grocery list/meal ideas there, my 2014 goals, a master to-do list for work (including major deadlines), Christmas gift list, bucket list, blog post ideas, etc. It has a great virtual "check box" feature, and I love that it syncs up and is available everywhere. 

iCal or Google Calendar 
I use this to keep track of appointments and firm deadlines. Like many other users, I have several different calendars (work, personal, etc) so they can be color coded. I also have a shared calendar with my beau, as well as access to his personal calendar, so it's easy to see at a glance what events are upcoming. It's also great how this is available from various devices and you can set alerts & reminders. 

Schedule Time to Plan & Prioritize 

Every Sunday night (or another time during the weekend if needed), I open up all of the things mentioned above and chart out my week in my planner. I make sure all of the appointments and deadlines are there, as well as making my personal & work to-do lists for the week and assigning them to days of the week if possible. The nature of my job is that often tasks will spring up at the last minute, but this really helps me to have an idea of what a week is shaping up to be. 

Because I'm an introvert and require a certain about of downtime to function at my best, planning my week in advance allows me to make sure that unscheduled time is, well, scheduled. If I know I have long days or social plans Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, you can bet that Tuesday night is going to be blocked off for DVR catch-up and an easy dinner. Also, I can see what weekend days are free and be sure I can make plans with friends early in the week. 

Another thing that I try to do regularly is for the final 15 minutes of every workday, I prioritize my tasks for the next day. Some things may not have gotten done, and there may also be new tasks that have been added to my list. Making sure I know where to start assures me that I'll begin my day focused and not scrambling to figure out what should have my attention. I also try to spend the last 30 minutes of Friday's workday making my to-do list for next week (again, moving over any unfinished tasks as well as adding those I know about), which makes Sunday night's planning session a breeze. 

Leave Room for Spontaneity

And, above all, don't plan every single moment of your life -- make sure to leave a little room to wing it & be spontaneous. Clearly, it's good to make sure the things you need are a part of your week, but sometimes you've got to abandon your original plan and be a little flexible. What if you were planning to stay late at the office to get ahead on a project, but got invited to get a pedicure with a coworker? What if you have a well-stocked fridge and your dinners all planned out, but you feel like celebrating a regular old Tuesday with dinner out? Plan, of course, but leave room for fun that you don't even know exists yet. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Little Things

Around this time of year, it's easy to start thinking about all of the things that we're waiting for -- spring, warmer temperatures, short sleeves, vacations, etc. In DC, we've been having what seems like an endless winter, filled with wind chills and snow days. Shockingly, even this winter lover is ready for the season to change, but as I always find, the key to making it through any situation is focusing on those little things that bring you happiness in the every day. 

I challenged myself to make a list of everything in my life right now that is bringing me happiness, and I encourage you to do the same. 

+ A chai latte on a rainy Wednesday morning
+ Losing myself in a good book 
+ Taking an afternoon nap, and not setting an alarm 
+ Binge-watching a guilty pleasure TV show (this is slightly embarrassing for me to admit, but I'm currently loving Pretty Little Liars)
+ Reacquainting myself with items in your closet & makeup bag that you've all but forgotten about 
+ Listening to podcasts on my way to work (current favorites are Ask Me Another and After The Jump) 
+ Clementines (aren't they one of the best things about late winter?)
+ Going to see Frozen with a good friend, getting frozen yogurt afterward and singing the songs in the car on the way home 
+ Watching Downton Abbey every Sunday (man, Mary is just super popular these days!)
+ Listening to the Girls: Marnie Songza station during the workday 
+ FaceTime calls with my parents, and my mom using emojis in texts 
+ Lighting a candle in the evenings when I get home from work 
+ Tulips from Trader Joe's, to brighten up our kitchen table (and remind me that spring is coming) 
+ A normal weekday night at home with my beau, after a week of super busy days 
+ My 82-year-old grandpa's Facebook posts 
+ Our annual Valentine's Day tradition: Chipotle for dinner 

Here's to making the most of these final winter days, and appreciating all the good that surrounds us. 

{Image via Pinterest

Monday, February 17, 2014

Favorite Books of 2013

I have always been a bookworm. My parents used to have to pry the latest Baby-Sitters Club book out of my hand so I could actually eat my dinner, and reading has always been one of my favorite things to do. 

For the past few years, I've been keeping track of books that I've read (or want to read) on Goodreads, and setting a yearly challenge for myself. For 2013, I challenged myself to read 30 books, and actually ended up reading 37. As I was looking back over the list of those that I read, I thought I'd share my favorites with you. 
Humans of New York, by Brandon Stanton
I happened upon Brandon's blog several months ago, and I look forward to seeing his daily portraits. This book is a collection of those portraits, which means that it's a quick "read" (I spent about an hour from cover to cover), but it's so beautiful and insightful. Brandon manages to capture the essence of these people, from newborn to 99. I laughed out loud and was extremely moved, and numerous photos required a lengthy second look. I borrowed it from the library, but it would make an excellent coffee table book and conversation starter.

Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell
Rainbow Rowell certainly became one of my favorite authors this year, and Fangirl just might be my very favorite book that I read this year.  It was such a relatable, moving portrait of the first year of college and everything that comes along with it. Cath is an introvert with a love of writing fan fiction, a dad she feels guilty leaving at home, and a twin sister that is ready to shed her family baggage and have a new identity. Her quiet strength and growth over the course of her freshman year is lovely to watch, and I ended the book very hopeful for her future.

Unbroken, by Lauren Hillenbrand
I read this for my book club, and while it is definitely not my typical genre, I absolutely adored it. It follows Air Force bomber Louis Zamperini as he survives the unbelievable during and after World War II. While difficult to get through at several points, this book is incredible. I absolutely love Louie, and his story is inspiring and unforgettable.

The Husband's Secret, by Liane Moriarty
While clearly a lighter type of read, for me, this book had it all - fully drawn primary & secondary characters that are vulnerable & likeable, a well-timed plot that made it difficult to put down, and a well written and satisfying conclusion. Moriarty knows how to write a good story and give the characters an ending that they deserve. It isn't a deep, life-changing story, but I was left feeling like I'd watched a full series of a beloved TV show.

Eleanor & Park, by Rainbow Rowell
My first Rainbow Rowell book, and such a fantastic read! I listened to this as an audio book, so Eleanor & Park were my constant companions for a week and a half. More than once, I found myself lingering in the car just to hear a little more. This book is a beautiful, spot on portrait of falling in love for the first time and feeling not so alone as an awkward teenager. Eleanor and Park were extremely well drawn, as were the secondary characters (I loved Park's parents). Highly recommend, especially as an audio book - it's read by two different people, and I think the male & female voices made it more special.

The Silver Linings Playbook, by Matthew Quick
I saw the movie first, but I think it helped me enjoy the book even more. Pat was so optimistic despite everything he had been through, and I really found myself rooting for him. The takeaway is that it's never too late for a new beginning, and (not surprisingly) there really always is a silver lining. 

What books have you enjoyed recently? Though my to-read list is a mile long, I'm always looking for recommendations. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Small Steps Toward Big Goals

Toward the end of 2013, I found Lara Casey's blog. I can't even remember how I stumbled upon it (maybe via Pinterest?), but once I got there, I settled in for a long visit. Lara is essentially overflowing with joy and happiness. Though she clearly has bad days, she has become a master at goal setting and achieving, as well as making what matters happen. I had been looking for a way to jumpstart 2014 and keep some good momentum going, so I decided to purchase her PowerSheets and dig in. 

Essentially, the PowerSheets aid you in determining what your goals are and then breaking them down into small, achievable steps. I found the process really gratifying and enjoyed reflecting upon what worked & didn't work last year. It gave me a perspective that simply wouldn't have been there if I had just jumped in to setting goals. There are worksheets to fill out on the way to figuring out your goals, detailed worksheets on each of 5 goals that you set, and then (my favorite part) monthly "tending" sheets where you break down your monthly, weekly, and daily goals. Check boxes and lists abound, which my type-A personality just loves.

But in all seriousness, breaking down goals into small, achievable steps over a 6-month or year process is such a great way to tackle things. Making monthly goals as the year progresses is all well and good, but actually looking ahead to see what small steps can be taken over the next 6 months is even better. 

For example, we can all have "get in shape" or "exercise more" as a yearly goal, but now I can say I'd like to complete the 30-day yoga challenge at home in February, go on a 30 minute walk at least 3 times a week in March, and sign up for a yoga workshop or class in April. Then, in my daily tending lists, I can put little check marks (so gratifying!) next to every day that I complete my daily goal. 

Lara's approach to goal setting (which you can read a series of blog posts about here) has absolutely inspired me to change the way I think about conquering my goals. It offers just the right amount of self reflection coupled with action items. I absolutely recommend it if you are searching for inspiration as the new year begins. 

This isn't a sponsored post, I just really love Lara and the PowerSheets. :)
Image via

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Winter Favorites

I love the start of a fresh, new month, and the flipping of the calendar from January to February was just in the nick of time. I typically love winter (cable knit sweaters! cozy blankets! staying inside!), but these past few weeks even gave me a run for my money. 

The extreme cold, the dark nights, and lack of twinkling lights just made things seem a little bleak. Most nights I'd wearily trudge into my apartment after work, light a few candles, and curl up with a blanket or comforter on the couch -- not exactly what New Year's resolutions are made of.  

But yet, "to everything there is a season", as they say, and so I've decided to fully embrace the remaining winter days by indulging in those things that make it more bearable. 

// Josie Maran Argan Oil - my lovely friend Ashley gifted me with a little set of argan oil products for Christmas, and this 100% argan oil has been a lifesaver this winter. I've been using 3 or 4 drops on my face to moisturize it day and night, and have also been adding a few drops in with my body lotion on really cold days. 

// CeraVe Moisturizing Cream - I've had a lifelong issue with dry skin and eczema, and this thick, luxurious cream (available at the drugstore!) has completely transformed my typical itchy winter skin. I think I've tried every body lotion out there, and this is the one for me.

// Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer - I remember my mom giving me a tube of under eye concealer when I was about 11 years old, and I've used one every day since. Though the price tag on this is a little hefty, it's the best I've ever used, and the creamy consistency doesn't try out my under eye area. 

// David's Tea Cream of Earl Grey - I love many teas, but this earl grey with the addition of vanilla is the bee's knees. I have a cup almost every morning during these chilly months. With a little agave nectar and splash of coconut milk, it is divine. 

// Slipper Boots - I must admit that I laughed a little when I opened this Christmas present from my mom, but gosh darn it if I haven't worn them almost every day since! I chronically have cold feet, and changing into these when I get home from work keeps my feet toasty warm (and typically goes with the skinny jeans + striped shirt combo I've worn to work). 

// Fresh Sugar Balm in Rose - This has been a favorite for almost a year now, but the it's super moisturizing and give a sheer wash of a rosy color, and I've reached for it day and night to keep my lips from becoming dry & chapped. 

What products have been keeping you comfortable this winter? 

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Fresh Start

In previous years, I haven't really enjoyed the concept of making resolutions. To me, the focus always seemed to be on how we were deeply flawed and needed to "fix" ourselves in the coming year -- lose weight, save money, be the best versions of ourselves possible -- all just because the calendar flipped to January. I'm a big fan of the fresh start, but the fact that it can come at any time of the month, year, or week. 

Something about this year was different. For starters, I happened upon Lara Casey's blog and her phenomenal goal setting techniques. So, I opened up a new note in Evernote and just started typing -- what worked in 2013? What didn't work in 2013? Believe it or not, the words flowed freely, and I realized that 2013 was a big year for me and started momentum that I'd like to keep going.  

Here are part of my lists of what worked and didn't work for me last year: 

WHAT WORKED IN 2013 Highlights and things I’m proud of 

  • Moving in with my boyfriend & taking a step forward in our relationship 
  • Letting go of my  25 year friendship with my former best friend 
  • Investing in my mental health & taking great strides in controlling my anxiety
  • Reading 37 books 
  • Traveling to California & Charleston 
  • Singing in an alumni musical theater showcase at my college 
  • Doing the 30 day yoga challenge 
  • Watching quality TV - House of Cards, Scandal, Downton Abbey
  • Investing in my friendships (girlfriends & couple friends) 

Room for improvement 
  • Work/life balance
  • Mindless TV watching & social media checking 
  • Oversleeping & running late to work  
  • Letting other people's emotions control my own
  • Having a negative attitude at work 
  • Comparing myself to others 

I'm thankful for the inspiration that is surrounding me at this time of the year -- on blogs, Pinterest, and Twitter, as well as in "real life" around me. I think the process of reflecting on 2013 and looking forward to 2014 is a process I'll be continuing as the year progresses. 

Happy fresh start, friends! Let's keep this inspiration and reflection flowing all year long. 

{Image via Pinterest}