Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Facing Fears

Those who are closest to me know that I really struggle with change and being outside of my comfort zone. I love tradition and things that I'm familiar with. I'm not exactly the most flexible person you'll ever meet. I won't be the gal to go white water rafting with you, and while I love to read about goal setting, I can be adverse to anything that rocks the balance I've created in my world. 

Earlier this year, I shared that I'm using Lara Casey's Powersheets to chart out my goals this year, and the first step of the process was identifying your fears, as well as your highlights/achievements from the previous year. I thought this was a very insightful process, as it caused me to reflect upon the things I was proudest of, as well as giving thought to what may be holding me back from moving forward in life. 

It was easy to identify change as one of my largest fears, but what was very surprising to me is that nearly all of the highlights from my year involved times that I did bravely step out of my comfort zone and into the unknown. The obvious takeaway is that pushing myself to confront that fear brought the happiest and most gratifying moments, which really does make perfect sense. 

I moved out of the apartment I'd lived in for over 6 years, and in with my beau. Though this was clearly something I was very happy to do, I would be challenged to feel at home somewhere new, as well as opening my heart to sharing a home with a significant other for the first time. It was honestly one of the easiest things I've ever done, and even in those first few days, I didn't miss my old apartment at all. 

This fall, my college alma mater invited me to participate in a musical theater showcase. While I was initially very excited to participate (seeing old friends! singing on stage again!), I grew extremely nervous because I hadn't actually performed onstage since I took my final bow in Fiddler on the Roof senior year of college 10 years prior. But, I decided to embrace the opportunity and had an absolutely terrific time. 

I have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, and have fought finding a way to make it better because, quite frankly, I was scared. I was used to feeling that way, and what if I didn't like feeling different? What if it got worse? You get the picture. But, this year, I took a few brave steps toward finding a solution, and I feel better than ever. 

The lesson? I'm much stronger and more adaptable than I think I am, and stepping outside of my comfort zone and facing those fears have accounted for some of the absolute best moments in the past year. As we continue to move into 2014, I am trying to find more of these moments, and I hope that you do the same. 

{Image via Pinterest}

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