Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Little Things

Around this time of year, it's easy to start thinking about all of the things that we're waiting for -- spring, warmer temperatures, short sleeves, vacations, etc. In DC, we've been having what seems like an endless winter, filled with wind chills and snow days. Shockingly, even this winter lover is ready for the season to change, but as I always find, the key to making it through any situation is focusing on those little things that bring you happiness in the every day. 

I challenged myself to make a list of everything in my life right now that is bringing me happiness, and I encourage you to do the same. 

+ A chai latte on a rainy Wednesday morning
+ Losing myself in a good book 
+ Taking an afternoon nap, and not setting an alarm 
+ Binge-watching a guilty pleasure TV show (this is slightly embarrassing for me to admit, but I'm currently loving Pretty Little Liars)
+ Reacquainting myself with items in your closet & makeup bag that you've all but forgotten about 
+ Listening to podcasts on my way to work (current favorites are Ask Me Another and After The Jump) 
+ Clementines (aren't they one of the best things about late winter?)
+ Going to see Frozen with a good friend, getting frozen yogurt afterward and singing the songs in the car on the way home 
+ Watching Downton Abbey every Sunday (man, Mary is just super popular these days!)
+ Listening to the Girls: Marnie Songza station during the workday 
+ FaceTime calls with my parents, and my mom using emojis in texts 
+ Lighting a candle in the evenings when I get home from work 
+ Tulips from Trader Joe's, to brighten up our kitchen table (and remind me that spring is coming) 
+ A normal weekday night at home with my beau, after a week of super busy days 
+ My 82-year-old grandpa's Facebook posts 
+ Our annual Valentine's Day tradition: Chipotle for dinner 

Here's to making the most of these final winter days, and appreciating all the good that surrounds us. 

{Image via Pinterest


ashleyTIA said...

There are few things better than fresh tulips. xx

Unknown said...

Can I just say that I love all of your recent blog posts?! I bought a bag of clementines and tulips from Trader Joe's yesterday... the clementines are almost gone already! Lately I've been loving: seeing birds busy in bare branches when I walk on the trail outside, daffodils almost ready to bloom, tea in the morning with a book and breakfast, meditating for just 5 minutes when I wake up (before I do anything else), and listening to more music when I'm by myself. So much goodness.