Sunday, April 6, 2014

Recent Inspiration

There is just something about the change of season that has made me feel lighter and happier recently, and inspiration is popping up everywhere. I've run across so many terrific posts recently that have helped me my ordinary life through new eyes. I hope you enjoy connecting with these lovely ladies as much as I have!
The Lively Show Podcast – Several friends recommended this podcast, and I've listened to a few episodes this week and found them all incredibly inspiring. Jess has an affirming way of putting her guests at ease and bringing out their best, and even folks I had known about before (Grace Bonney, Erin Loechner, Danielle Moss) I saw in a fresh, new, inspiring light. My favorite tidbit was from the Erin Loechner episode, about figuring out what your "golden hours" (i.e. most productive) are, and making the most of them personally & professionally. 

Pressing the Reset Button via Flora & Fauna – I adore Tatiana's blog (she is a blog-turned-real-life-friend!), and I often get a boost from reading her well written words. In this particular post, she shares how making a few changes to her daily schedule, food, and organization made a huge difference.  "Sometimes we just need a reset button and this week was a good reminder that it doesn't always have to happen on january one, sometimes you need to start fresh in march, april or whenever." 

The Lines of a Story by Roots, Wings & Wanderings Caiti is definitely a kindred spirit internet friend for me, and I find myself constantly inspired by her perspective. Recently, she has been exploring natural skincare, and she shared a post about the beauty of aging naturally. "We are given exactly one body during our lifetime, and I believe it is simply a container for our spirit. A spirit that needs to express itself through movement, labor, love. Even if that means we get a little worn around the edges, a little soft in the middle."

Productivity & Taking a Break by FunnelCloud –  Rachel took an "Olympic break" this February from social media and the internet and focused instead on truly savoring the moment. As someone who spends far too much timing looking at a screen myself (often as soon as I open my eyes in the morning!), I absolutely loved reading about how this break boosted her productivity and caused her to see everything with new eyes. "If I needed a break - those times I would usually glance at my phone - I sat down and read a book. I interacted with my dogs. I tasted my food. I looked out the window and appreciated the snow with my own eyes instead of looking at 20 photos in a row on Instagram of other people's snow-covered porch furniture."

A Fresh Look at Beauty & Wellness from MakeupTIA – I've long been a fan of Ashley's beauty videos, and many of the products she's recommended are my absolute favorites. But in the past few weeks, she's gone beyond the best lipstick or nail polish to share her weight loss journey, beautifying foods (and easy ways to eat them daily!) and new products that help from the inside out. She is such a brave & inspiring lady, and I'm eager to see what she shares next. 

{Image via Pinterest}


Flora and Fauna said...

Aww! I loved this! Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for the feature! It's an honor to be amongst such lovely ladies :) Have a wonderful week my dear! xo

Unknown said...

Thanks for these great links. I've really been loving the Roots, Wings & Wanderings blog so thank you for that find :)