Monday, February 24, 2014

Disconnect & Connect

On Saturday, the weather in DC was decidedly spring like -- sunny & 60s. After the coldest and snowiest winter in recent history, it was an instant mood boost to have a day like that. My beau and I decided to celebrate the weather by taking a long walk around our neighborhood in Arlington, and it was the best decision I've made in recent memory. 

Our neighborhood was filled with people enjoying the day -- people walking their dogs, dads shooting hoops with their kids, a little boy playing around with a hose in his driveway, and girls arriving for a birthday party with brightly colored balloons. As we walked and walked, we connected with these people with a friendly nod or smile. Everyone was happy, everyone was enjoying life. 

It felt wonderful to be connected to those around us. In the busy metropolitan area that we live in, it's easy to feel a distinct lack of connection to strangers. We are constantly surrounded by people -- sometimes, it feels, too many people -- as we commute to work and wait in line at the grocery store. But as I stopped to pet a dog and chat with the owner about how nice the day was, I realized that everyone is looking for that bond with others. 

Also, it was so nice to stroll hand in hand with my beau and be able to connect with him. We talked about anything and everything that came up, and it was so refreshing to have that time with him where the only distractions were the bright sunshine and cool breeze. Of course, we talk all the time (probably a little too much if you ask him), but our world was free from to-do lists, iPhone screens, and dirty dishes, if only for a moment, and we could focus on each other. 

My mind was also blissfully clear, remembering walks I'd taken with my grandparents as a child on days exactly like that, and allowing a little room to daydream instead of just slogging through the next thing to accomplish. What an easy thing to do, yet often put to the back burner because of "more important" tasks. 

As we move fully into the spring season over the coming weeks, I am going to challenge myself to find more of these moments - moments to equally disconnect (with those things that tend to take up too much of our attention) and connect (with those things that truly matter). 

{Image via Pinterest}

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