Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Small Shift

There comes a moment when something shifts ever so slightly, but you feel as if a much bigger change has taken place. This week, I feel like I've been surrounded by those moments, and it's caused me to breathe a little easier and feel a little more connected to the world around me. 

I've been trying to do a little bit of yoga every day, even if  it's just 5 minutes of light stretching. I've been loving the Do You Yoga 30-Day Challenge, which I completed this fall and have been revisiting my favorite videos this month. The other day, I realized that it was just a little easier to get through the various poses, my muscles had gotten just a little stronger and I was able to enjoy the practice instead of counting down the moments until the "hard part" was over. 

With the time change, I now get to drive home with the sun still shining and there is a little sliver still peeking into my apartment at night when I arrive home. Though I get home at exactly the same time, that extra few minutes of light energizes me and makes me feel as if the evening stretches on a little longer. 

Things have also been extremely busy at work recently. When priorities shift and looming deadlines approach (especially for a tightly wound person such as myself), it's easy to feel that you'll never catch up. Yesterday, I finished two large projects and was actually able to feel a little space in my schedule to get reorganized and knock out those nagging tasks that have been lingering on my to-do list. 

Even though these were all small shifts in my daily life, they had a ripple effect that made me feel a little lighter as I continued with my week – I'm a little stronger, things are a little sunnier, and I'm breathing a little easier. And, although the weather out there today is decidedly wintery, I'm looking forward to the positive changes that the new season will bring. 

{Image via Pinterest} 

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