Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Be Present

It just feels like time is zipping by, doesn't it? Unbelievably, we find ourselves at the beginning of December, that month that is fill to the brim with parties, cookies, and to-do lists. This year more than ever, I've been hearing and reading more and more about slowing down and simplifying. So what if we don't send Christmas cards? If our cookies are store bought and not homemade? If the dress we wear to the holiday party is the same as last year? 

I recently happened upon Lara Casey's blog, which I absolutely love. She is doing a month-long project called #PresentDecember, encouraging others to gift others with being present instead of simply with a present. Reading her post really hit home, and has caused me to reflect on how I focus my attention both during this time of year and all year long. 
Put your phone down. Close your computer. When something great happens, don’t say, “I wish I would have had my camera,” say, “I’m so grateful that just happened!”  Look people in the eyes and give them the gift that changes things." -Lara Casey

How often am I mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook when I'm actually face to face with someone else? How many times have I gotten overwhelmed with the thought of holiday logistics or gift buying? The moments that I will remember from this holiday season are those where I connect with others -- when I savor a mug of tea with my mom, smile genuinely in a photo with my lady friends (who cares what we're wearing!), or chat with my dad as he makes over easy eggs for a late morning breakfast. 

My goal for this final month of 2013 is to slow down, savor, and be fully present. I know this will be a work in progress for me, but it's my intention as the month begins. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Calm Life

"Keeping up with the Joneses" is no joke when you're in your 30s. It can appear that everyone is getting married, buying houses, having multiple babies, taking luxurious vacations, and decked out in the latest trends. In my world, I am pretty proud of myself when I make the bed, get to work reasonably on time, and manage to go to Trader Joe's on the weekend. But, as I've steadily been learning these past few months, it's okay to be happy with a calm life

This past weekend was one that was almost "ideal" for me -- a weekend that left me feeling connected, relaxed, and prepared for the week ahead. I didn't really do anything thrilling, I spent a lot of time at home and yet felt calm and peaceful as I got ready for bed last night. My handbag was cleaned out and organized, the fridge was full of food for the week, a good book awaited me on my nightstand, and there were fresh sheets on the bed. For me, that's about as good as it gets. 

As an introvert, finding things that "refill the well" and leave me recharged and ready to conquer a busy day or week are extremely important. While I enjoy socializing and especially one-on-one time with friends, too much socializing and not enough time taking care of things for myself leaves me feeling out of balance. Building time into my schedule as intentional downtime is absolutely essential to me. 

My favorite things that help keep me balanced (and that I try to make time for every week, if possible) are: 

+ Spending a weekend morning in bed with a cup of tea and a good book 
+ Setting aside time to tidy the apartment and go to the grocery store on Sundays 
+ Keeping my TV watching more intentional (i.e. just the shows I watch regularly and not mindless channel flipping) 
+ Spending the last 15 minutes of every work day (and 30 minutes on Friday) prioritizing my tasks for the next day 
+ Listening to audio books on my long commute 
+ One-on-one coffee dates with my favorite lady friends 
+ Literally scheduling downtime through the week or weekend, to spend as I please, not just time that happens to be available as it happens 

Because of this, I tend to not make very many social plans throughout the week and to be okay with only a few plans during the weekend. I also feel much better when things are tidy and in order (i.e. the dishes done and the bed made). Several weeks ago, I was home on a Friday night doing laundry and it struck me just how content I was doing just that. Other people were likely out clacking around in heels and sipping expensive martinis, but I was 100% happy with matching socks and watching Scandal. 

And so I realize, it really is okay to be happy with a calm life. After all, isn't life all about finding the things that make you happy, peaceful, and calm? I'm not saying I never feel the need to be out and about with red lipstick on, but I'm finding more and more of what makes me happy and making those things a priority. 

Wishing you a happy, relaxing week filled with the things you need. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sweater Weather

I realize that it's super popular to love fall at the moment - commercials for Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Pinterest boards full of boots/leggings/scarf outfits, and Instagram feeds of mini pumpkins are taking over the internet. But for me, my love affair with fall is a long-standing one. Something about the crisp air and rich colors suit me, and my energy is always high during this time of year. Now that it seems we've officially made it through our Indian Summer and are firmly planted in sweater weather, I'd like to share what I'm looking forward to this month. 

+ Sleeping with the windows open and an extra blanket at the ready
+ Wearing dark nail polishes 
+ Eating apple cider donuts, pumpkin bread, and apples
+ Drinking a mug of hot (herbal) tea in the evenings 
+ Lighting candles when I get home from work 
+ Making soup in my big red soup pot 
+ Curling up with a blanket & a good book (currently reading Unbroken) 
+ The return of fall TV (my favorite shows are Scandal, The Mindy Project, and HIMYM)
+ Coloring my hair a little richer and darker 
+ Rediscovering favorites in my closet 
+ Appreciating the changing leaves on my commute to & from work 
+ ... and maybe enjoying a Pumpkin Spice Latte or two 

I hope you're enjoying the start of this wonderful season, and have a great week! My dad & stepmom are coming into town this weekend for a visit, and I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with them while enjoying some of the things listed above. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Monday, October 7, 2013

Favorite Things

How has my list loving self stayed away from Evernote for so long? While I am a paper planner gal, I love making lists about everything - and Evernote allows me to keep that all in one place, categorize them, and access them from my phone, iPad, and multiple computers. 

Coco Chai Rooibos by DAVIDsTEA
With the weather finally taking a turn for actual fall, I love having a cup of tea in the evenings. This is my go-to tea at the minute, a lovely rooibos chai with coconut. I personally love it in a "latte" with frothy coconut milk. 

Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld
I've really enjoyed Prep & American wife by this author, and Sisterland is no exception. I'm currently listening to it on audiobook on my commute to & from work, and I find that I'm actually looking forward to my time in the car! 

Deborah Lippmann Modern Love nail polish
This polish is the perfect fall neutral, lasts a long time without chipping, and flatters my skin tone. A big thank you is due to Ashley on this one, who never fails to recommend the best nail polishes. 

Uniqlo legging pants 
I am totally living in these pants, which are reasonably priced, extremely comfortable, and come in a wide array of colors. It looks like you're wearing skinny jeans, but they are actually as comfortable as yoga pants. I must give credit to the fabulous Nerdy Hipster Princess for bringing them to my attention. I may never wear regular pants again. 

Dior Lip Glow Color Reviver Balm
Oh, this lip balm is a perfect 10 in my book - moisturizing, long lasting, smells delicious, and creates the most beautiful natural pink on my lips. The downside is that it's a little pricey, but for something I use every single day, I think it's worth it. 

What have you been loving recently? 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vulnerability vs. Perfection

I've been thinking a lot lately about the concept of "being perfect". As anyone close to me knows, I can be a bit of perfectionist (read: high strung Monica Gellar). I greatly dislike finding that I've made a mistake at work, upset a friend, worn the "wrong" outfit to a social gathering, or not done everything in my power to make something the best it can be. But recently, a busy schedule and preparing for out of town guests has made me realize that it's time to let go of my eternal quest for perfection. 

My beau & I hosted friends from out of town this past weekend in our cozy (i.e. 800 square foot) apartment. Since I had only been living there a month, I barely felt comfortable myself, let alone ready to double the capacity and play hostess. I started stressing out, picturing the mountains of work to be done - cleaning, making sure the kitchen was stocked with ideal snack & breakfast options, and even buying items to make certain everything is in order. But then, after a particularly heated conversation with my much more logical beau, I realized that the MOST important thing I needed to prepare was my attitude. Being in good spirits and not stressed out would make a much larger impact than a perfectly timed breakfast casserole and fresh flowers adorning the table. 

As I was in the throes of my hostess prep, I read this fantastic post by Amy at The Anxious Hippie, and she shared the most beautiful sentiment regarding perfection: If you're one of those people who appears perfect, everyone probably hates you, because vulnerability is what makes us relatable and likable. Bingo! Isn't that so completely true? 

I think about a few people that I know that "have it all together" - you know the type, always perfectly manicured, wearing the perfect outfit, and seemingly doing more before 10am than I do in an entire day. But, being around them makes me feel anxious and sub par. When I'm with people who don't hide their flaws & fears and are therefore vulnerable, I feel comfortable and relaxed. So, why not be that kind of a friend to others? Why not say to my guest "let's chat while I make up your bed" instead of setting a ridiculously early alarm to have it all picture perfect before they arrive? 

This, of course, is one tiny step on my journey to accepting myself for who I am, but an important one. Letting our vulnerability shine is something we can all do for each other, and in the world of the Facebook & Instagram "highlight reel", it's something we could all stand to do a little more of. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Smooth Sailing

As an introvert and self-described homebody, nothing makes me happier than when things are peaceful and I'm sailing on smooth waters. True, I did better than expected with all of the upheaval in July (moving into a new apartment, a week's vacation with 21 members of my family, and a hectic time at work), but right now, I'm happily reveling in the fact that things are calm

I've been filling my days with the things that make me happiest and because of this have been more rested, more productive, and more satisfied.

  • Curling up with a good book (right now I'm reading Rules of Civility, which has transported me to NYC in 1938) 
  • Savoring a mug of tea (Earl Grey is my favorite at the moment) 
  • Making the bed and putting away the dishes every morning (what can I say, I like things to be tidy!) 
  • Taking a walk after dinner at twilight in my new neighborhood
  • Planning a fall getaway for late September (Charlottesville!) 
  • Getting up a little earlier & taking time getting ready for work 
  • Battling my longer commute with fantastic audio books (I just finished Eleanor & Park... so good)
  • Curating a library wait list a mile long (the library is one block from my new apartment)
  • Unsubscribing from dozens of email lists so my inbox is less cluttered
  • Listening to great music while slogging through my to-do list at work (The Civil Wars, Sara Bareilles, Kodaline, Savoir Adore)

While I know this period of simplicity won't last forever (in fact, it might not even last past this weekend!) I'm going to do my best to create these restorative moments for myself even when chaos resumes.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Welcome, August

July was a fantastic month for me. I celebrated the 4th with dear friends, sangria, and karaoke. I spent a week at the beach with 22 (!) members of my family.  I celebrated a birthday. I purged, donated, packed, and moved my belongings into a new apartment with my beau. The calendar was full and bursting at the seams, and this time, I reveled in it instead of letting it overwhelm me. 

But, as the calendar flips and a new month begins, I want to set a few goals and intentions for this last month of summer. August will be a more relaxed month for me, a chance for me to slow down and reset. 

+ Watch quality TV (House of Cards, Orange Is the New Black, and Call the Midwife are on tap)
+ Take advantage of the fact that a library is a block away  (books & audio books, hurray!)
+ Schedule fun social activities, like brunch, coffee, or ice cream dates with friends
+ Organize my new planner for upcoming months 
+ Be more adventurous in my new kitchen, cook a few new recipes
+ Get outside for morning walks or evening walks after dinner 
+ Never turn down an opportunity for an ice cream cone 

Happy August, friends! 

{photo taken at the beach last month}

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


 I am a creature of comfort. Give me a routine or a tradition and I'm a happy girl. When something changes, it's hard for me to get back into the swing of things and feel at ease. But, this past year, I've been challenged in many ways to shake up my comforts, in big and small ways. What I realized is that I do better than expected when pushed beyond my comfort zone. 

Friendships are something I value greatly, and this year, several relationships have shifted for me. Aside from a 25 year friendship ending, I also experienced changes with a few good friends from work moving on to new jobs. But, that leaves room for new friendships, and I'm happy to report that I've been delighted with new friendships in these recent months. Whether it's finding like-minded people to connect with via blogs & Twitter, finding "couple friends" that my beau and I can spend time with, or a standing lunch/shopping/coffee date with some outstanding ladies, I've been richly blessed. It's wild to think that some of my strongest friendships are people I didn't know a year or two years ago. Making these friendships a priority is what has kept them growing stronger. 

I also moved in with my beau this past week, talk about a big life change! We've been together for many years and the actual transition has been smooth sailing, but packing up the apartment I've lived in for 6+ years was emotionally and physically exhausting. I found the process of packing and purging very therapeutic, but it was also quite nostalgic for a sensitive gal like myself. I had to stop myself from jokingly singing Sarah McLachlan's "I Will Remember You"(a la How I Met Your Mother) while going through boxes and doing everything for the last time. Also, I had been living with two fantastic roommates, so it did feel like the end of an era. 

But as our Uhaul pulled away, I focused on all that is to come, and found myself not feeling nostalgic at all. And being in one place and taking this adult step is fantastic. I could write an entirely separate blog with silly anecdotes as we get used to cohabitating, but it was a relief how easily it felt like home and exactly where I was supposed to be. 

Moving forward is a wonderfully inspiring and exciting thing, and I'm thrilled to have grown comfortable with taking steps outside of my comfort zone. In fact, I might have just walked straight into the zone that's the best of all.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Favorite Things

Fresh Sugar Rose Lip Treatment - I'd heard about this product for years, but didn't give it a whirl until Chic Week came along at Sephora. My oh my, this is one product that I will never be without. It has a fresh lemon scent, is super hydrating, and the sheer tint is so pretty without being overpowering.

Carrot Cake Luna Bar - I've shared my love of a quick breakfast/snack on-the-go before, and this new flavor of Luna Bar is my favorite. It's delicious, flavorful, and feels more indulgent than it is. 

Chobani Flip Key Lime Crumble - Speaking of things that feel more indulgent than they are, this yogurt. My roommate is a fan and let me try one, and I am currently obsessed. It's key lime flavored yogurt with graham cracker crumbles & white chocolate chips, and it's a desserty protein-packed delight. I recommend throwing on a few fresh raspberries for an extra treat.

Nashville - After my other TV shows ended for the summer, I decided to give Nashville a try via Hulu+. I zoomed through the 21 episodes in a matter of weeks, and was totally drawn in by the slightly soapy storylines, great music, and fun location. It's definitely been added to my list to keep watching and I'm looking forward to new episodes this fall.

Julep Cassie - This sheer coral nail polish is summer perfection. Not too bright for my fair complexion, it's essentially what I wanted Essie's Tart Deco to be. I'm heading off to the beach this weekend and will have this shade on both my fingers & toes.

The Language of Flowers - Every now and then, a book comes along that you devour in a matter of days and become totally wrapped up in. I read this book in just over 24 hours, and was totally captivated by Victoria's story.

Erin Condren Life Planner - It's no secret that I'm a type A list writer, and after a year of loving the Erin Condren planner I set out to find something a bit more affordable. I tried to give my new planner a go for 6 months, but when I saw EC had an 18 month option (July 2013 to December 2014), I had to order it. It should be arriving in a few weeks, and I am eagerly awaiting it. 

What have been some of your recent favorites?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Time to Bloom

 "And the time came when the risk it took to remain the bud 
was more painful than the risk it took to bloom." 
 -Anais Nin

Typically, I don't look forward to the arrival of spring. I'm one of those rare people that prefers cold temperatures and snow to warmth and summer, so when the calendar changes to April, I usually feel my energy draining a bit. But this year, there is something magical in the air.  

It all started when we changed the clocks a few weeks ago - all the sudden, it was light out on my drive home, and my apartment was filled with beautiful sunshine after a long work day. It made me feel like I'd gotten out of work early! Then, I got a pedicure with a few girlfriends, and afterward we sat outside in the warmth of the sun to enjoy coffee together. On my drive home (with the windows open, of course), I thought to myself, "Okay, spring. Maybe we'll be friends this year". 

The changing of seasons is such a beautiful thing - each one of them ushers in something fresh and new, and typically it's exactly what we need at the time. This spring, I feel like I was ready to ease out of my winter hibernation/introverted shell and bloom a bit. Maybe a bit tentatively at first, but each day, a bit more.

To me, this means that I'm going to be more appreciative of all of the light and love that surrounds me - my family, always just a car ride or Skype call away; my friends, who are there for me in the silliest moments and the most serious; and restorative time to myself, on a morning walk or reading with a cup of tea in bed. It means I'll spontaneously meet up with a friend without my planner showing me that's what's on tap for the afternoon. I'll open myself up to new opportunities and not stay content in my extremely comfortable comfort zone. I'll be a little more bold, a little more courageous.

I'll bloom a little, in my own way. Happy, happy spring.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Favorite Things: March 2013

David's Tea - Forever Nuts: I've been on a big hot tea kick recently, and my favorite is this unique herbal blend from David's Tea. It's a mix of nuts, apple pieces, and beet root, and the result is a lovely nutty flavor that is hot pink. I've recently started making a mug of tea every afternoon at work (in addition to my morning tea routine), and this has been the winner. 

Luna Bars: I'm an on-the-go person, especially for breakfast and snacks, so these bars have really been coming in handy recently. While I'm not proud that I'm usually so rushed in the morning I'm eating one of these in my car on the drive to work, I love that they are something I can feel good about snacking on. 

Spotify: I don't know why I resisted this phenomenal streaming music service so long. For a mere 10 bucks per month, you have access to every album there is, you can access them from your mobile devices, and make & share playlists. I've become familiar with some great new artists (Sea Wolf, Atlas Genius, Alex Winston) and also had an impromptu Wilson Phillips sing-along on the way home from work.

Scandal: One of my favorite activities in life is to binge-watch a TV show, and with the help of Netflix and Hulu+, I've gone through all of the Scandal episodes in the past month. It's compelling with a fantastic cast, and (slight spoiler alert) Scott Foley arrives during the second season, which made my Noel Crane loving heart go pitter-patter. 

Trader Joe's Crunchy Cookie Butter: The last time that I bought cookie butter I said "never again", because man, is that stuff good. I managed to go several months without repurchasing until I spied the crunchy variety on the shelf at my local Trader Joe's. Done and done. This is the best on toast, with apples, or (possibly my favorite way) on a spoon.

Naked Basics Palette: I'm certainly a nail polish and lipstick girl, but I've never gotten too into eyeshadow. My makeup bag has 2 tried-and-true little palettes from Wet & Wild, and not much else. But after hearing Ashley & Karin sing it's praises, I splurged on this neutral matte palette. It's right up my alley, because I can experiment a bit while still staying in neutral territory. 

After the Jump podcast: My friend Caiti first recommended this podcast to me, and I've been delighted with it ever since. It's hosted by Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge, and each week she interviews someone in the art & design world, or (my favorite) does a solo show on work/life balance and her career. 

What have you been loving this month?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

BFF with Myself

This Valentine's Day, I'm surrounded by a lot of love. For starters, my beau and I will be doing our annual tradition of dinner at Chipotle (which is perfect for us). I also received a sweet package in the mail from my mom yesterday, and have been trading Valentine's greetings with friends all day. But, the relationship that I'm reflecting on the most today is my relationship with myself

Several months ago, a friendship ended with a person that I long considered to be my best friend. It wasn't my decision, but the best thing I could do for this person (and ultimately myself) was to just let it go. I've been on an emotional roller coaster about it since it happened, but the biggest struggle I faced was feeling lonely without my best friend, really feeling the void that this person had filled. In a way, it was like a break-up, but harder in a sense because it was with a person I'd known for 80% of my life. 

I was recently reading an interview with Mindy Kaling, who I adore, and the article touched on the subject of her mother's battle with cancer and their final words before she passed away. “I said to her, ‘Mom, I’m going to be so lonely without you. And she just said, ‘You have to be your own best friend. If you always remember that, you will always have someone there with you.’” 

Isn't that simple, yet so powerful? Our relationship with ourselves is truly the most important and fundamental one that we will ever embark on. We've got to do our best to truly love ourselves and give ourselves the priority, acceptance, and care that we give to others. I often find that I don't do this: I'll give great advice to others and not take it to heart myself, I won't realize when my stress level is sky high, and I am content just plodding along, day after day. 

Is the voice inside yourself saying kind things, as you'd say to a dear friend, or speaking harshly and negatively, the kinds of things you'd never say to anyone else? This week also is the beginning of Lent, and I've decided that instead of giving up something tangible, like cheese or shopping, that I will "give up" the negative self-talk and strive to be more aware of that inner voice.

I'm extremely blessed to have a loving family, an incredibly supportive boyfriend, and the dearest friends, both near and far. But the relationship that I'm most thankful for today is the one that I'm cultivating with myself. As Oscar Wilde says, it's the beginning of a lifelong romance.

{Image via Pinterest}

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Creating Space

In this digital age of virtual calendars, to-do lists, and perpetually over-scheduling ourselves, it's so hard to allow ourselves room in our daily lives to just be. As an introvert, I often have to literally schedule unscheduled time for myself in my planner, but even then, packing our days and weekends full has just become the norm. I also tend to cherish unplanned moments to just have true downtime (i.e. reading, watching TV, taking a nap) and don't realize that filling those spaces with other restorative activities can have an even greater impact.

One morning last week I was facing a long day at work, the kind that typically made me want to hide under the covers until the last possible moment. But that morning, I decided to try something different. I got up earlier than normal (only about 30 minutes) and gave myself time to get ready without being in a hurry. I wasn't racing against the clock as I traveled to work, and even enjoyed listening to a new podcast (have you listened to Pop Culture Happy Hour yet? It's my new favorite).

And, a strange thing occurred -- I actually found myself in a terrific mood when I arrived at work, with more energy than usual. And with less sleep? It seemed a little backwards, but it led me to realize what other areas of my life could benefit from a little extra space. 

This past weekend, my beau & I found ourselves with a completely unscheduled Saturday. We headed out to Takoma Park, a neighboring little town with cute shops and spots for lunch. We planned on having lunch there, but after lunch, we decided to swing by a cafe just down the street for a hot beverage and a sweet treat. As we wandered in, we realized that it wasn't really a "to go" type place, so we decided to settle in and sip our drinks out of actual mugs. What a treat to not rush off somewhere! We sat & chatted, and afterward decided that coffee dates should be a part of our regular repertoire. 

What small changes, but what big impact on my daily life and mood. I hope to keep creating these little areas of space for myself, and am excited to see what fills them.

Monday, January 28, 2013

5 Star Books of 2012

Since joining Goodreads a few years ago, I've found it a fantastic way to organize what I've read & want to read, see what other friends are reading, and rate books once I've finished. Last year, I joined the Goodreads Challenge for the first time, with a goal of reading 25 books (I'd only read 14 the year before). I ended up reading 27, and upped my goal this year to 30. 

I went through my bookshelf and saw that there were 7 books from this past year that I'd rated 5 stars, and I thought I'd share them with you.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
After 2 girlfriends recommended this book to me, I downloaded it for my Kindle. Though it's technically young adult, this beautiful story is much more poignant to me now than if I'd read it as a teen. It follows two teenagers who meet at a cancer support group and the path their life takes in the months to follow. Certainly a tearjerker, but it doesn't stay with the stereotype you might be imagining. As an only child, the well drawn relationship between Hazel and her parents was one of my favorite parts of the book. 

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Thrillers aren't usually in my comfort zone, but I found myself flying through this exhilarating book I read for my book club. At one point, I texted a friend who had already finished because I was so anxious about it I didn't think I'd be able to continue. She advised me to push through, and I'm so glad I did. Though it doesn't have the most satisfying ending, this story following a couple after the wife's disappearance is a well-paced roller coaster ride. 

The Paris Wife by Paula McLain 
We follow Hadley, the first wife of Ernest Hemingway as she meets, marries, and moves with him to Paris during the 1920s. This book paints a stunning portrait of Paris and read like a memoir. I found myself really identifying with Hadley, even as she navigated grim waters. 

The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker 
In this slightly sci-fi book, we follow Julia as she deals with normal adolescence against the backdrop of the earth's rotation slowing slightly each day. What I loved about this book was that it was a tremendously well written coming of age story, but also had a unique (and eerily believable) sci-fi storyline. This book is slow paced and beautifully written, and left me thinking about it long after I'd turned the last page.

Wild by Cheryl Strayed 
As an aforementioned "indoorsy" person, I was worried whether I'd grow bored or disinterested with Cheryl's adventures hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. On the contrary, I found this book a beautiful portrait of a woman in her 20s grieving her mother's death, with  easily readable vignettes of her time on the trail. It reminded me of a gritter Eat, Pray, Love without the "you need to find love to be fulfilled" aspect. 

The Stuff That Never Happened by Maddie Dawson 
Sometimes a quick chick-lit book comes along and becomes one of your favorite books of the year. I flew through this book in a matter of days, all the while wanting it never to end. It alternates between the 70s and the present, and the character development is so fantastic. We follow Annabelle and a heart-fluttering and believable love triangle with Jeremiah and Grant. 

Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed
After reading Wild, I knew I also wanted to read this compilation of Cheryl Stayed's once anonymous advice columns for The Rumpus. What I didn't expect was to weep, be inspired, and want to keep this book by my nightstand forevermore. These advice columns are a beautiful portrait of a strong woman who has a lot of perspective to share.

What were some of your favorite books of the year?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Favorite Things: January 2013

Temple Run - I'm not really much of a game player, but my boyfriend's nieces got me hooked on this game during our recent trip to California. The basic gist is that you're an explorer running through a temple while being chased by monkeys. You collect coins, jump over things, slide under things, and (my favorite part!) when you die, you can just play again. It is mindless and fun, and kept my mind occupied during my long flights. 

David's Tea - I'd heard many good things about this loose leaf tea company, but hadn't actually bit the bullet to order any. Imagine my glee when I found an actual store a stone's throw from where we stayed in San Francisco! I picked up 6 different kinds, and each has been a winner. My favorite so far is Organic Detox, a green tea blend with ginger, gingko, and juniper berries. 

YSL Volupte Sheer Candy - I first heard of this tinted gloss/balm from my friend Ashley (who has an amazing blog & YouTube channel), but it took me a few months to pony up the cash & give it a try. But after all the lip products I've purchased over the past year or so, this one absolutely takes the cake. After purchasing it 2 weeks ago, I literally have worn nothing else. The color (I have mouthwatering berry) is gorgeous, it smells slightly fruity, and it hydrates my lips like nothing else I own. 

Julep nail polish - I have a serious nail polish buying problem, which is why I'm thrilled to have found Julep. Their creme polishes are fantastic, glossy, and long wearing, and they have a fun monthly subscription service (called Julep Maven) where you receive 2 polish colors + a special product each month. Best of all, you can skip any month without penalty. 

What Alice Forgot - I've read many good books this year, but my favorite so far is What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. It follows a woman named Alice who, at 39-years-old, has a head injury where she wakes up thinking she's 29-years-old. It may sound like a slightly cheesy premise, but the primary & secondary characters were extremely well developed and it really left me thinking about the storyline well after I'd finished the book. 

What are you enjoying this month?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcoming a New Year

 “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” -Audrey Hepburn 

It's so difficult to not get in the full scale resolution mode when January rolls in, ready to chuck your current life out the window in favor of some perfect version where you take public transportation daily and make green smoothies after waking naturally without an alarm. I'll admit, I love a fresh start as much as the next person, and after spending a week in Ohio eating cheesy casseroles & cookies, I truly did long to drink that yucky-looking-but-delicious green sludge.  

But the problem with grandiose resolution making is that it creates this mindset that we're not up to snuff, and that we need "fixing". And, when you ultimately don't get up early enough to take the bus to work (ahem, me this morning), you feel as if you've let yourself down. And it's only the 10th day of the year! Oh, the pressure. 

As I was reading all of the very inspiring blog posts and magazine articles about making resolutions, I ran across this gem over at Green Plate Studios. Analiese writes "It’s so important for us, especially women, to remember that we are already powerful, whole, and worthy of love exactly as we are. Set the intentions. Set the resolutions. Set the goals. But don’t make them about fixing what’s wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. (Anyone who tells you otherwise? Probably trying to sell you something.) Focusing on what we see as flaws keeps us from enjoying real life, in all its messy and imperfect glory."

Often, I get caught up in the awful cycle of feeling like I'm not "enough": pretty enough, skinny enough, well dressed enough, you get the picture. But earlier this week, I ran across a photo of a friend who was announcing her pregnancy. She was posed informally with her husband and she just looked so beautiful in a natural, non-model way, and most importantly, she looked happy. That was what stuck out to me the most about the picture. Not her outfit, the location, the shade of lipstick - just her undeniable joy. And it made me realize that inner glow is more important than any external factor. I know I'll need reminding of this time and time again as the year progresses, but it really rang true with me this week. 

And that's why my "resolutions" are taken from the above Audrey Hepburn quote: to laugh as often as possible, love with an open heart, be strong when things are difficult, let my inner glow shine, and have a fresh start whenever I need it.

{Image via Pinterest