Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Be Present

It just feels like time is zipping by, doesn't it? Unbelievably, we find ourselves at the beginning of December, that month that is fill to the brim with parties, cookies, and to-do lists. This year more than ever, I've been hearing and reading more and more about slowing down and simplifying. So what if we don't send Christmas cards? If our cookies are store bought and not homemade? If the dress we wear to the holiday party is the same as last year? 

I recently happened upon Lara Casey's blog, which I absolutely love. She is doing a month-long project called #PresentDecember, encouraging others to gift others with being present instead of simply with a present. Reading her post really hit home, and has caused me to reflect on how I focus my attention both during this time of year and all year long. 
Put your phone down. Close your computer. When something great happens, don’t say, “I wish I would have had my camera,” say, “I’m so grateful that just happened!”  Look people in the eyes and give them the gift that changes things." -Lara Casey

How often am I mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook when I'm actually face to face with someone else? How many times have I gotten overwhelmed with the thought of holiday logistics or gift buying? The moments that I will remember from this holiday season are those where I connect with others -- when I savor a mug of tea with my mom, smile genuinely in a photo with my lady friends (who cares what we're wearing!), or chat with my dad as he makes over easy eggs for a late morning breakfast. 

My goal for this final month of 2013 is to slow down, savor, and be fully present. I know this will be a work in progress for me, but it's my intention as the month begins. 

{Image via Pinterest}

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