Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Yin and Yang

"They'll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and carolers out in the snow..."

In a lot of ways, this really is the most wonderful time of the year. There is the opportunity to gather together with our nearest & dearest, give thoughtful presents, and savor twinkle lights. My calendar is full of sparkly events where I'll be sipping eggnog and donning party dresses, but it teeters on overabundance. As wonderful as this time of year is, it can make me glad that January follows December -- a time for new beginnings, goal setting, and quinoa. 

After finishing those final to-dos at work and affixing that last bow, on Friday I head to Ohio for a week with my friends and family. Many traditions await: songs to be sung, hugs to be given and received, and I couldn't be more excited. But as it always is with my ever-present quest to stay in the moment, it's easy to worry about finances or calories or fitting in enough down time.

Last week, I spent an evening brainstorming my 2012 wishes & dreams. I just put pen to paper and allowed any thought that came into my head to be jotted down on the list. An ideal me emerged -- someone who wakes up an hour earlier, makes her bed every morning, goes to yoga weekly, and finds time for reading and regular phone calls with her best friends. Giving myself the opportunity to do that was incredibly therapeutic -- and doing so before turning the calendar to the new year was a fantastic way to clean the slate during this season of abundance. 

Now begins the challenge to enjoy these remaining December days -- slender bank account and endless cookies and all. There will be plenty of time for fresh starts, Monday mornings, and kale in just a few weeks. For now, huddling around the piano with my dearest friends and enjoying one more glass of prosecco sounds pretty darn good. 

Happy, happy holidays.

{Image via Pinterest}

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shake It Up

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment
is the only one you know you have for sure.
Oprah Winfrey

I love routines. Even when I was a child, vacations from school were difficult since they lacked that structure and schedule. Days spent organizing, crossing things off of lists, and then cocooning at home with a favorite TV show or book are my favorite. But, even for a type-A introvert like myself, change and shaking up your normal routine can do wonders for the soul. This week, I've had several occasions where life has been eager to show me this simple truth. 

On Tuesday, my beau and I went out for dinner. Sure, it was a Groupon dinner date, but I put on earrings and lipstick and was whisked away to a cozy little restaurant not far from my apartment. The decor was intimate and inviting --  simple flower arrangements in mason jars adorned the table, and ample candles flickered throughout the space. We savored a wonderful meal and even split dessert, and as we ambled out into the rainy streets afterward, I felt relaxed and blessed. All that on a random Tuesday evening! 

It was a simple pleasure: a meal shared together without sitting in front of the TV or thinking about washing the dishes, a time to pause mid-week and truly enjoy each other's company, and truly amazing gelato. And to think, I'd almost thought it was too much trouble to gussy up and head out to dinner. After work, I had a slight headache and thought how much easier it would be to just grab a burrito bowl from Chipotle and do the normal Tuesday routine. 

Tonight, I had a free evening and wanted to catch up on e-mail, blogs, and my book after a busy day at work. Instead of just hunkering down in my apartment, I decided to head to the coffee shop just a block from my building. That's where I sit now, drinking a hot chocolate and wondering why I don't do this more often. I'm the queen of making time for myself, but how often do I do something like this, where I am out enjoying the people, sights, and sounds of my neighborhood? I just may make this a weekly date with myself. 

In the midst of this yuletide season, when obligations, shopping lists, and expectations can dominate our lives, I'm going to try to connect with myself and others around me, and shake things up a little bit. 

What can you do to shake up your routine this week? 

{Image courtesy of Pinterest}

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ring A Ling

Something about staying in town for Thanksgiving actually put me in the holiday spirit earlier than in recent years. Without the rushed, hectic nature of traveling, I could settle in to watch Elf the night of Thanksgiving, and make time on Sunday to decorate my Christmas tree instead of sitting in traffic. In no time flat, I'd programmed my DVR to program all of my favorite holiday movies (White Christmas, Holiday Inn, A Christmas Story, Charlie Brown Christmas), and switched my Pandora station to Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters. Nothing puts a swing in my step like listening to their rendition of Jingle Bells. 

Music is a huge part of my life despite the season, but the nostalgic nature of Christmas bring it to the forefront during this time of year. I absolutely love to sing. I actually had my first solo on Christmas Eve when I was just 6 years old, and was very involved in choirs, show choirs, and musicals until I graduated from college. Unless you've done karaoke with me recently (Madonna's Like A Prayer is my staple number), many people I know now aren't familiar with this part of me.

During the holidays, one of the things I look forward to the most is singing. While occasionally it's breaking into a hilarious version of Silver Bells with my friends, music is a major part of why the holidays are so special to me. 

For the past few years, my two best friends from high school would join me in singing for the holiday party at my grandma's nursing home. We would dust off some of our favorites from our choir days, as well as trying out some new numbers. Because my grandma was in a Memory Care/Alzheimer's program, it was always amazing to me to see the effect that music would have on these older folks. They joyfully sang along with almost everything, even if other words (and faces) were harder to recognize. My grandma passed away earlier this year, so we won't be singing there, but I'm still looking forward to getting together with my dear friends and huddling around the piano. It's one of the traditions that I look forward to the most every year. 

I'm also looking forward to joining voices with two other close friends and singing Gesu Bambino at church on Christmas Eve. We've lost count of how many years we've sung this together, but it really wouldn't be Christmas without it. It's fitting that the building where I had my first solo 24 years ago is still the place I raise my voice every year.

One of my goals in the New Year is to find a way to sing more regularly -- all suggestions welcome! Do you have any special holiday traditions that could be a bigger part year round?

{Image via Pinterest}

Friday, November 25, 2011

This Year


This year, instead of piling in the car after work for a 6+ hour drive, I just drove a few miles to my apartment. This year, instead of gladly accepting a slice of pumpkin pie with a generous dollop of whipped cream from my mother, I used her recipe to make my own. This year, instead of sitting around the table with a dozen of my family members, I saw them through a webcam. This year, instead of going bowling with my high school friends, I texted them and told them how thankful I was for their friendship. This year, instead of racing off to see everyone, I stayed in my pajamas until 3pm and snuggled with my beau. Different, yes. But was there just as much love? Absolutely. Maybe even more.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Simple Yet Significant

Recently, I've been giving a lot of thought to how the smallest decisions and steps can have the biggest impact on your mood, your day, and (ultimately) your life. It's so easy for us to get caught up in our larger goals and visions, but sometimes that can be paralyzing. On a particularly overwhelming day at work, I can find myself starting into space for a good 5 minutes, wondering how exactly to put one foot in front of the other. Where to start, when you're burnt out, overwhelmed, or exhausted? It can be too much to think of checking everything off your to-do list, and so what if you don't? 

I've mentioned this post on Pink of Perfection about narrowing priorities, and re-reading it this week opened my eyes to the happiness of realizing the world goes on even when my laundry basket is overflowing, my inbox screams for attention, and my Words with Friends games beckon. Realizing that it's okay to run a bath and flip through a glossy magazine is half the battle. 

While in this mindset, I've been trying to brainstorm a list of simple tasks that can have a big impact on my mood. Some of these may seem like no brainers, but it's helpful for me to list them here and keep them in mind in the coming days. 

  • Make my bed each morning - Allowing myself the 5 minutes it takes to do this has a profound impact on my mood. It makes me feel more put together when leaving for work, and ready to enjoy the evening when I return home. 
  • Wear lipstick - I'm new to the red lipstick thing, but realize that wearing lipstick of any shade helps me feel more together and boosts my spirits. 
  • Read before bed instead of watching TV - Oh, how I need to do this more often. Right now, I'm reading Pride and Prejudice (for the first time) for my book club. It was so lovely to make a mug of tea and read a few chapters before bed last night. 
  • Lighten my load - It's okay to say "no" to an obligation, take time for yourself, or NOT finish the project before leaving for the day. This is especially difficult for me, but I've managed to do it several times in the past week and it feels good

What are the small things that matter the most to you?

{Image via Pinterest}

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Allowing Silence

True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is
to the body, nourishment and refreshment.  
William Penn

In the days of smart phones, podcasts, and having 17 tabs open in your internet browser, how often do we allow silence? I remember first pondering this when I got an iPod, 4 or 5 years ago. As much as I loved the fact that my favorite songs could now be in my ears while walking to the metro or (gasp!) grocery shopping, what about being alone with my thoughts? 

This morning, on my drive to work, I got in the car and realized that my stereo was turned off, likely because I was talking on the phone at the end of my drive home yesterday. Rather than queue up the usual Katy Perry playlist, I decided to continue my drive with no music. 

I'm not going to lie, there were several times right at the beginning that I instinctively reached for the power button of the stereo, but after about 10 minutes, I began to let myself enjoy the experience. I marveled at the hum of my little Honda, still peppy after our 7 years together. I giggled as the service van that pulled up beside me at a stoplight was blaring a Jennifer Lopez song. I took a few deep breaths and watched the leaves swirl in the wind. 

But silence isn't just the absence of actual sound, it's not distracting yourself with "noise" of any kind. I want my experiment this morning to be a stepping stone to turning off (or not turning on) other things that disrupt silence -- not checking my e-mail as soon as my eyes open each morning, not pulling out my iPhone to check Facebook and Twitter when I'm waiting in line at the bank, not reflexively turning on the TV as soon as I arrive home. I want to allow myself to just be

What is a way that you can allow silence in your life this week?

{Image via Pinterest}

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Silver Lining

In the midst of busy weeks, sinus headaches, and mountains of laundry, here are the things that have been the silver lining: 
  •  Essie School of Hard Rocks nail polish - the perfect smokey gray dark teal, this color is perfect for fall/winter. It isn't too dark, isn't too crazy, but is a nice change of pace from all the taupes and glitters. 
  • Revenge on ABC (or Hulu) - My roommate recommended I give this new show a try, and I've become obsessed with it this past week. A true nighttime soap opera, the premise is loosely based on the Count of Monte Cristo and focuses on the main character Emily (played flawlessly by Emily VanCamp of Brothers & Sisters and Everwood fame) seeking revenge on those who caused the wrongful death of her father. It's set in the Hamptons, costumed beautifully, and a total guilty pleasure. 
  • A leisurely trip to Target - This afternoon, I spent an hour wandering around Target. I picked up a few beauty items (Revlon Facets of Fuschia nail polish and the Maybelline Dark Circle Eraser), Thanksgiving cards to send to my family, and a simple black v-neck sweater. 
  • I jumped on the bandwagon and got an Erin Condren life planner, which arrived just over a week ago. While I had a planner that worked well for my work life, I'm loving keeping both personal and work related tasks organized. It's bright, colorful, and filled with inspiring quotes.
  • This wonderful post on narrowing priorities on one of my favorite blogs, Pink of Perfection. Her words of wisdom on the freedom that accompanies limiting the things you expect of yourself was very liberating and inspiring.
What's making you happy this week? 

{Image via Pinterest}

Monday, November 7, 2011

Soothe Your Soul

 You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. 
C. S. Lewis

Several years ago, I had a bad case of the flu. You know the kind: your energy level is zero, and the thought of shuffling to the kitchen to microwave a can of chicken noodle soup seems like climbing Mt. Everest. I was in my mid-20s and living on my own, and was determined to "take care of myself" and muster through it. But, an evening came when I called my mom (who, at that point, only lived about 20 minutes down the road) and asked if I could come over.

As I arrived, I was escorted to the couch where a fuzzy blanket awaited me. A few minutes later, buttered toast with cinnamon sugar and a mug of warm, sweetened tea arrived at my side. Something so simple, yet something I couldn't have done for myself. As I held the warm cup and sipped from it, I realized that even if I made the exact same tea with the same ingredients and even the same mug, it wouldn't have been the same. It was made with love, and it soothed my very soul. 

When I woke up the next morning to the sounds and smells of a fried egg sandwich being made downstairs (another tried & true favorite), I realized how much better I felt. The flu had finally run it's course, and I believed in the magical qualities of that tea. There have been many times since that evening that I've enjoyed a comforting mug of my mother's tea, but I will never forget that something so simple can cause you to slow down, breathe deeply, and be in the moment -- something I'm always striving for. 

This afternoon, I found myself slightly overwhelmed with my to-do list. Instead of trying to distract myself by checking Facebook or Twitter, I decided to make myself a mug of tea. As I sat at my desk, watching the steam flutter toward the oh-so-flattering fluorescent lights, I realized that while it might not be quite as good as my mom's, it had the same effect. It soothed my soul.

{Image via We Heart It}

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Happy List

This week has been a doozy. I'm over the moon that Friday has finally arrived, and plan to fill my weekend with equal parts of fun, relaxation, and getting my ducks in a row. You can tell I'm having a busy week when a) yesterday's clothes are thrown on the chair, b) my bed is unmade for several days in a row, c) my nails are unpainted or (worse!) chipping, and d) my purse has become a graveyard for receipts. 

However, despite the busyness, there have been many things that have put a spring in my step this week. 
  •  Slouchy boots on the cheap from Payless - comfortable, trendy, and affordable. Goodness knows I love a flat boot. I've already worn them twice this week, and I got them on Tuesday. 
  • Oatmeal for breakfast - Since the weather has been getting cooler, I've been enjoying my favorite fall/winter start to the day. I love the way it warms me up and keeps me full until my usual late lunch. 
  • Making Kraft macaroni & cheese for dinner - Sometimes, you have to give in to the cravings of comfort food. "Food for soul" is what I always say. 
  • Sweater weather - I was thrilled to pull out my favorite heavy cardigan this morning and see my breath on the walk to the office.
  • The new Florence & the Machine album, which is available to stream online. LOVE her, and this has unofficially become the soundtrack of my week. 
On the roster for the weekend is movie night with my beau, lunch & bookstore browsing with a terrific group of inspiring ladies, and a Beethoven piano concert at the French Embassy. Oh, and cleaning out my purse. 

What is on your happy list this week? 

{Image via Pinterest}

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finding Joy

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy 
and keep choosing it every day.
Henri Nouwen

I remember a Christmas vacation back when I was 6 or 7 years old. The days off had passed so quickly and I was beside myself at the thought of returning to school. To me, the holidays had been gone in an instant, and seemingly faster than they had the previous year. As I lamented (i.e. threw a tantrum) to my mom, I remember her sharing that as you get older, time seems to just speed up. 

I'm certainly feeling that recently. Honestly, it seems that from July to this very moment has passed in the blink of an eye. I wrote last week about enjoying the moment, and have been trying to keep it in mind as I skitter between appointments and obligations. Instead of getting bogged down by weighty "life is passing me by" thoughts, recently I've been trying to do a few smaller things to appreciate the beauty surrounding me.

I love taking pictures. Armed with my iPhone camera and Canon PowerShot, I'm known to my friends and family as the historian/yearbook editor of their lives. I'm always the one saying "Now, just squeeze together for a quick picture..." and post albums to Facebook after every major (and sometimes minor) event. But, I found that while my photos were appreciated in their online capacity, nothing else ever happened with them. 

This past week, I sorted through all of my photos from this past year and picked around 50 that were my favorites. I got prints made of all of them, which was such a treat! I sent a few of them off in the mail to friends, assembled a collage of favorites on my boyfriend's fridge door, and refreshed the frames and ribbon board in my apartment. How wonderful to go throughout my normal routine and see the smiling faces and fun memories of recent months! And all of that for $10 and an hour or so of my time. 

I've also realized just how much time I spend watching mind-numbing television. Granted, there are some guilty pleasure shows (i.e. Gossip Girl) that I won't give up, but I've been trying to spend my "entertainment" hours with things of a higher caliber. Recently, my friends and I watched Dirty Dancing, which I'd never seen, and this past weekend I was introduced to the splendor of BCC's Pride and Prejudice mini-series. It's been so refreshing to catch up on classic movies/TV shows instead of watching Sister Wives or yet another rerun of How I Met Your Mother. 

Sometimes small things can make the biggest difference. What is a way you can press pause and enjoy your surroundings this week? 

{Image via Pinterest}

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blink & You'll Miss It

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back 
and realize they were the big things. 
Robert Brault

On my drive to work this morning, I realized that the leaves are already changing. This exact thing is what I look forward to every autumn, as I think the rich hues are absolutely stunning. But, those leaves are brilliant for just a brief moment before they fall to the ground and the trees are left bare for the winter. I found myself thinking "This weekend, I should plan an activity where I can really enjoy the changing leaves." But then, I caught myself. Why couldn't I enjoy them now, on a random Monday morning, at the start of a hectic week? And, all told, isn't that better than "scheduling" time to appreciate or enjoy something? Aren't the best moments those that just... happen? 

The rest of my drive, I allowed myself to turn off the portion of my brain that was already at work & drafting e-mails, and tuned in to what I was seeing. Vibrant bursts of red and mustard yellow peppering the green leaves, cars zipping along to their next destination, the warmth of the cozy scarf around my neck. This is it, you know? This is life

This weekend, I was blessed with many of those cozy, happy moments. 
  • singing along to the Beatles while stuck in traffic with my beau
  • savoring a latte while getting to know a new friend 
  • finally watching Dirty Dancing for the first time and swooning over Johnny Castle
  • making my mom's tortellini soup & realizing it tastes just the same as I remember
  • stopping by a roadside stand to buy a bag of mini pumpkins

Happy, happy Monday. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Frozen Yogurt, Skype, & Sharpies

 Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.
Ray Bradbury

Here are a few things I'm loving recently, that are helping make this week shine a little brighter: 
  • Essie's Merino Cool nail polish (the perfect mix of gray + lavender)
  • A mid-afternoon break to get pumpkin pie frozen yogurt, complete with peanut butter cups & Cap'n Crunch cereal as toppings
  • Skype video chats with my Mom in Ohio
  • Sharpie pens (seriously, they are the far superior pen in my opinion)
  • The Wonder Years, which is now available on Netflix Instant ("get by with a little help from my friends")
  • Words with Friends - does anyone play? I swear it's helping my vocabulary.
  • The cozy sweater dress I found at Nordstrom Rack for $20
  • Katy Perry's song "E.T.", which I originally hated and now have on repeat (k-k-kiss me)
What are you loving this week? 

{Photo via Pinterest

Monday, October 3, 2011

Brunch & New Friends

When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.
Joseph Campbell

As you know, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. Very new. I really, truly appreciate those of you who have begun this new journey with me. Though actually writing blog posts is a new venture for me, reading blogs have been a part of my daily life for years. I love finding a new blog where I just instantly connect with the author & want to carve out time to read through the archives. 

Shortly before I started my blog, I found one of those instantly connected blogs in Ashley of That Is All. Her love of nail polish, The Happiness Project, and positive & peppy spirit immediately made me realize I'd found a kindred spirit. How wonderful that she also lived in the DC area! Finding her blog was a wonderful nudge to start my own, an idea I'd been toying with for over a year. 

About a week after I'd started my blog, Ashley posted that she was hosting a blogger brunch in Alexandria, a chance for local bloggers to meet in person. Even though I truly think I had published all of 2 blog posts at that time, I took the leap and e-mailed Ashley to RSVP. Even though I barely consider myself a "blogger", I figured now was a fine time to jump in with both feet. 

I'd be lying if I said there weren't butterflies in my stomach as I navigated Alexandria's brick sidewalks on the way to meet Ashley and the other girls. Some of these girls had been blogging for 10 years, and I had 10 (well, make that 11) posts on my blog. Would they think I was foolish for lumping myself in the same group as them? What would I have to contribute to the conversation? And, most importantly, was I wearing the right outfit? 

I was put immediately at ease when I sat down at the table. What followed was 2 hours of laughing, bonding, picture-taking, and connecting with a very full table of lovely ladies that I can now truly call friends. I felt inspired, at ease, and relieved to meet a group of women with whom I had so much in common. 

Because, you know what? It's HARD to make friends when you're in your late 20's/early 30's. I've been blessed to have a wonderful network of friends since moving to DC six years ago, but there was just something so refreshing about joining a table of strangers and leaving knowing that I had expanded my network, forged true connections with new friends, and fostered new confidence within myself that where I am right now is where I need to be. 

Without further adieu, here are links to the blogs of the fantastic women I met. Add them to your Google Reader. You won't be sorry. 

{Photos courtesy of Ashley}

Monday, September 26, 2011

Solitude, Friendship, & Chicken

It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but a great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

This weekend, though quite short (aren't they all?) was near perfect. It held equal parts of solitude, time with dear friends and new friends, and productive time to take care of errands and tackle projects. Sandwiched between busier weekends and hectic work weeks, it was just what the doctor ordered. 
Friday evening I had a much needed solo night at my apartment. I threw together a random "dinner" based upon what was in the fridge, lit a bunch of tea lights, and caught up on last week's episode of Parenthood. Fueled a bit of relaxation, I was then able to do a bit of cleaning and organizing around the apartment, which I'd been putting off. 
Saturday began with sleeping until I naturally woke up, which in my opinion is one of the best things in the world. I am NOT a morning person, and a snooze-button-aholic, so the opportunity to stay put in bed until I was ready to emerge was a real treat. Saturday night, M & I met up with some friends for Indian food and then went to see the movie Drive. While not my typical fare and a little gruesome in parts, it was a very well done movie & Ryan Gosling is a hunky dreamboat. 
Sunday, I put on my brave face and headed to Alexandria to meet up with a bunch of fellow bloggers for a brunch. It's funny for me to say "fellow", since I'm so very new to blogging, but this lovely bunch of girls welcomed me with open arms. Though I didn't know anyone (aside from through their blogs) before walking in, as I walked back to my car, I couldn't help but reflect how comfortable it was to be in the presence of such creative, friendly, and like-minded women. Major thanks to Ashley for coordinating. I'll do a post later this week sharing a few photos from brunch & sharing more about the girls who attended.  
Sunday evening, as promised, I roasted my first chicken.  I took Chelsea's advice and tried the "beer butt chicken" method. While a bit unorthodox, it was absolutely DELICIOUS. We also roasted carrots, red potatoes, and an acorn squash. It was so lovely to put everything in the oven, clean up the kitchen, and have some time to read while the apartment filled with delicious smells. And, this is a great example of why having a blog is so important -- I posted it as a goal at the beginning of last week, heard feedback from you lovely folks, and actually accomplished it by week's end. 
Wishing you all a fantastic start of the week. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you refuel?

I'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That's how I refuel.
- Audrey Hepburn

You guys, I'm exhausted. These past two weeks I've really been burning the candle at both ends. Long days at work, lots of social plans, and an out of town wedding. It's all been lovely, but I'm drained. The introvert in me needs a good dose of quiet, alone time to refuel and get back on track. Lucky for me, this weekend is largely unscheduled and allows for plenty of time to refuel, but also has a few fun things sprinkled in.

As I finish up the work day with Pandora's Bon Iver station playing in the background, I look forward to heading home, lighting a few tea lights, and crawling into bed to watch an episode or 2 of Felicity. I happen to own the whole series, but did you know that it's available on Netflix instant now? 

Here are some of my favorite introverted activities to refuel: 
  • Comfort food - I had Pad Thai with tofu for lunch, and it hit the spot 
  • Nap or extremely early bedtime 
  • Reorganizing a cluttered area in your home (i.e. desk or vanity)
  • Losing yourself in a good book 
  • Mini-marathon of a favorite TV show 
  • Bubble bath or long, hot shower 
  • Listening to your favorite album or podcast in a dark, quiet room 
  • Going to Target and wandering around with no time schedule 
  • Paint my nails 
What do you do to refuel? 

This weekend, I look forward to indulging in some of the activities listed above, but also have fun plans with a few dear friends + my boyfriend on Saturday night, and brunch with the fantastic Ashley as well as some other new friends on Sunday. And Sunday night? I just might roast that chicken.

{Image via Pinterest}

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rainy Day, Don't Go Away

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.  
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Dreary, cold, and rainy days rank among my favorites. Though I admit it's harder to get out of bed on a rainy morning, I delight in the coziness and freshness of a wet day. On this rainy, early fall day, I wanted to share a list of my favorite rainy day/fall activities. 
  • Paint my nails a bold shade - Current favorites are Butter London's Wallis and Bluey, and Essie's Power Clutch and Merino Cool. 
  • Make a big pot of soup - my mom's "famous" tortellini soup is easy and delicious. 
  • Wear a scarf - I recently picked up two adorable and affordable fall scarves from H&M. It's such an easy way to accessorize an outfit, as well as add a bit of warmth and coziness. Curious about different ways to wear a scarf? Check out this video
  • Curl up with a book - I'm currently reading State of Wonder by Anne Patchett. Recent favorites include Room, The Thirteenth Tale, Bossypants, The Help, The Happiness Project, and Freedom. 
  • Watch a favorite movie - Every fall, I love to watch Anne of Green Gables, You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, and the TV show Felicity. 
  • Go for a walk - I always say "a rainy day isn't so bad if you have an umbrella". Grab a brightly colored umbrella and a pair of rain boots and go out for a stroll. You'll likely find the city a bit more deserted than it is normally, and you'll be able to breathe in that fresh air and find a new perspective. 
  • Make a mug of your favorite tea - I'm a chai girl myself, or herbal (I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine, so no chai after noon). There is something so soothing about starting or ending a day with a warm, steaming beverage. Whether it's a fancy loose leaf blend or a bag of Lipton, tea soothes the soul. 
  • Take yourself out for a solo lunch - I am one of those people who doesn't mind doing things by myself, and I love taking myself out to lunch every now and then. There is a Japanese restaurant near my office that offers a fantastic lunch special, and it's a real treat to eat miso soup while people watching or reading. 
  • Hunker down with your to-do list - While occasionally I lack motivation on a rainy day, it also can inspire me to plow through my to-do list at break neck speeds. I get the feeling it's a great day to settle in at my desk and begin plugging away at those pesky tasks that you've been putting off. 
  • Listen to some great tunes - It's no secret that I love Pandora, and some of my favorite rainy day stations are Mumford & Sons, Beirut, Yann Tierson (the magic behind the Amelie soundtrack) or Ingrid Michaelson. The right music choice can provide the perfect soundtrack for many of the above activities. 
Does anyone else share my love of gloomy days? What are your go-to activities?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall Dreams

 The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past,
worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to
live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
- Buddha

September is busy. There's a reason it still feels like we're "back to school", even for those of us who aren't official students. When we flip the calendar from fancy free August to perpetually scheduled September, suddenly our free time is at a premium. For me, this month has been a blur of busy work days followed by whirlwind weekend trips. The introvert in me is calling out for some unscheduled time with a cup of tea and a stack of magazines. 

When charting out my week in my planner last night, I realized that while the to-do lists are long, they don't include many personal goals aside from "make student loan payment" and "schedule dentist appointment". While tackling some of those life administrative items can certainly have a positive effect on our lives, what about creating a list for those goals and dreams, small or large as they may be? 

One of my personal goals in starting this blog last month was to have a place to keep track of my weekly and/or monthly goals. I wanted somewhere to scrawl them besides absentmindedly in my planner or in an e-mail to a friend. Here are a few of my fall dreams, lofty or tiny as they may be. 

  • Roast a chicken - I am not a chef by any means. Most of the meals that I prepare for myself are extremely easy and can be done in a small amount of time. But, I've always wanted to roast a chicken. Ever since I saw Sarah's video post over at Pink of Perfection (one of my favorite blogs of all time - if it's not in your Google Reader, stop now + add it), I knew this was something I wanted to do. What is better than a fall Sunday evening with a chicken and vegetables roasting in the oven?   
  • Spend more time reading - Those who know me well may wonder how that's possible, but recently I haven't made as much time for reading as I would like. Much more fulfilling than mindlessly sitting in front of the television or computer, I want to use my free time curling up with a book. There is a lovely tea shop not too far from my apartment, and I want to try to make it there some evening this week to drink a mug of tea and read. My current book is State of Wonder by Anne Patchett, which I've just started. I've got my book club meeting this Thursday night, so that will also help make reading a priority. 
  • Restart my yoga practice - I've never been a big exercise person. For me, it almost has to be disguised as something else, or have great mental benefits as well. I've found yoga to be a great fit over the years. But, with the closing of the extremely convenient yoga studio near my apartment & work, the past year and a half I've fallen away from my yoga practice. I've been avoiding returning not only because I need to find a new studio, but also because I fear I'd be starting anew with my practice. I recently read Nina's wonderful blog post on yoga, which inspired me to begin again, as yoga is a personal practice and not about anyone but me. I look forward to it's mental, spiritual, and physical benefits. 
  • Plan a weekend getaway - Earlier this summer, my boyfriend and I discussed how we so rarely take a weekend trip where we're not attending an event or visiting other people. Because summer was so hectic, we decided to plan something for the fall (which, since it's my favorite season, definitely appealed to me). We'd like to go somewhere relatively close to DC, but a cabin or cottage in a more remote area where we can unplug and just enjoy time together. Any recommendations? 
These are some of my larger dreams & goals, but I also plan to share with you some of my smaller goals for just these next few weeks.

What are some of your fall dreams? 

{Image via Pinterest}

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Power of Red Lipstick

Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin.
That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.

-Gwyneth Paltrow

Perhaps it's something in the air, the changing of the seasons, or the incessant rain we've been having this week, but I've felt the need to shake up my routine and try a few new things. 

I'm not really a lipstick girl (as much as my mother wishes I was). Most days, I throw on a little Rosebud Salve throughout the day and that's about it. But, on the rare occasions that I did wear a little color on my lips, I noticed myself feeling more pulled together. Inspired by a talk with two of my close girlfriends this past weekend, I decided to take the leap and buy a tube of red lipstick. 

I knew I wouldn't have a clue which shade would suit my fair skin and dark hair, so I decided to let the ladies at Sephora decide for me (plus, I had a gift card). I sloshed through the rain, umbrella in hand, after work yesterday and declared "I'm looking for a sheer red lipstick for fall". Within minutes, I had been paired with the perfect shade, Nars Flamenco. It's not too pigmented, a little on the rosy pink side, and totally fit the bill. Even though it was still pouring rain as I left the store, I had a little spring in my step as I finished the rest of my errands. Despite my casual top and jeans, I felt elegant... and a little sassy. 

Sometimes the smallest things really do make the biggest difference. What's one tiny step you can take toward making today brighter?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Heart September

 Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.  
-George Eliot

Most people I know are feeling a bit melancholy at this time of year. Labor Day has passed, days spent at the pool and wearing sundresses are over, and hectic schedules and routine are back. For me, it's the exact opposite. When the calendar turns to September, I nearly squeal with glee. Autumn is by far my favorite season. 

Here are a few of my favorite things about September:

I want to rush out and purchase new school supplies, even though I haven't been a student in years. There is just something about browsing the school aisle at Target and picking out a new notebook, Sharpie pen, or inbox holder to spruce up my desk. 

After Labor Day, dark nail polish is fair game. Although I already own a fair amount of fall/winter nail polishes, I couldn't resist picking up the 4-pack of the new Essie fall collection, Carry On.  I have already worn (and loved) Lady Like, but am so excited to try Power Clutch. Swoon. 

Today, it's a rainy chilly day in DC. As I headed out the door this morning, I grabbed a scarf from my closet as a last minute accessory. Aside from the extra warmth it added while strolling through the mist, I love the look of scarves. I have a huge collection, and love to wear them fall to spring. 

In just a few weeks, our favorite shows will return to TV. Although I try to not waste too much time in front of the television, my can't-miss shows include Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girl, and Parenthood. I'm also kind of excited for the new show New Girl, because of my intense love for Zooey Deschanel. 

While at the grocery store yesterday, I couldn't help but grab the September issue of In Style. It isn't normally an issue I pick up, but I leafed through a few pages at a friend's house this weekend & couldn't resist. Fall fashion, in all it's layered glory, is definitely something I'm thrilled about. I've been putting together a "Fall Fabulous" board over on Pinterest, and am clearly drawn to boots, scarves, things in the marigold family, and stripes. 

Are you bemoaning the fact that the dog days are over, or are you ready to embrace the season of changing leaves and crisp weather? 

{Image via Penelope Illustration}

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Celebrating Love

 There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved. 
-George Sands

As I sit at work with the rain pouring outside, I am ready to tackle a few remaining items on my to-do list before heading out of town for the weekend. This week has been a busy one... crunch time at work on a large project, an impromptu engagement party for 2 of my dear friends, and a weekend away on the horizon. The major theme of the week (and impending weekend) is love, and celebrating it to the fullest. 

Today is my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary, and this weekend, we will all come to Ohio from near & far to join in celebrating this momentous occasion. Born and raised in small town Ohio, they married at the age of 20 and raised 3 wonderful children (the eldest of which is my dad). Love and family are the two most important things to my grandparents, and I have found such inspiration in the two of them, particularly in regard to their enduring love. They've been there by each others side throughout the happiest and most challenging moments of their lives, never failing to continue making the choice to honor and love one another.

I wanted to come up with a way to properly honor the occasion, so I thought of hiring a photographer to come and document the evening. I was able to connect with a friend from high school who takes photos on the side, and she will be joining us to capture the evening. It is well worth the money, because all of us will be able to fully enjoy the evening and the photos will be a wonderful tribute that will live on. 

I am looking forward to taking a pause from my hectic life in the city to celebrate love and the wonderful family that will surround me. 

(Image via WeHeartIt)