Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you refuel?

I'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That's how I refuel.
- Audrey Hepburn

You guys, I'm exhausted. These past two weeks I've really been burning the candle at both ends. Long days at work, lots of social plans, and an out of town wedding. It's all been lovely, but I'm drained. The introvert in me needs a good dose of quiet, alone time to refuel and get back on track. Lucky for me, this weekend is largely unscheduled and allows for plenty of time to refuel, but also has a few fun things sprinkled in.

As I finish up the work day with Pandora's Bon Iver station playing in the background, I look forward to heading home, lighting a few tea lights, and crawling into bed to watch an episode or 2 of Felicity. I happen to own the whole series, but did you know that it's available on Netflix instant now? 

Here are some of my favorite introverted activities to refuel: 
  • Comfort food - I had Pad Thai with tofu for lunch, and it hit the spot 
  • Nap or extremely early bedtime 
  • Reorganizing a cluttered area in your home (i.e. desk or vanity)
  • Losing yourself in a good book 
  • Mini-marathon of a favorite TV show 
  • Bubble bath or long, hot shower 
  • Listening to your favorite album or podcast in a dark, quiet room 
  • Going to Target and wandering around with no time schedule 
  • Paint my nails 
What do you do to refuel? 

This weekend, I look forward to indulging in some of the activities listed above, but also have fun plans with a few dear friends + my boyfriend on Saturday night, and brunch with the fantastic Ashley as well as some other new friends on Sunday. And Sunday night? I just might roast that chicken.

{Image via Pinterest}

1 comment:

MELANIE said...

I love the above comment because it pretty much sums up my life too! To refuel, I rely on yoga, time in nature and of course indulging in an art project.