Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Heart September

 Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.  
-George Eliot

Most people I know are feeling a bit melancholy at this time of year. Labor Day has passed, days spent at the pool and wearing sundresses are over, and hectic schedules and routine are back. For me, it's the exact opposite. When the calendar turns to September, I nearly squeal with glee. Autumn is by far my favorite season. 

Here are a few of my favorite things about September:

I want to rush out and purchase new school supplies, even though I haven't been a student in years. There is just something about browsing the school aisle at Target and picking out a new notebook, Sharpie pen, or inbox holder to spruce up my desk. 

After Labor Day, dark nail polish is fair game. Although I already own a fair amount of fall/winter nail polishes, I couldn't resist picking up the 4-pack of the new Essie fall collection, Carry On.  I have already worn (and loved) Lady Like, but am so excited to try Power Clutch. Swoon. 

Today, it's a rainy chilly day in DC. As I headed out the door this morning, I grabbed a scarf from my closet as a last minute accessory. Aside from the extra warmth it added while strolling through the mist, I love the look of scarves. I have a huge collection, and love to wear them fall to spring. 

In just a few weeks, our favorite shows will return to TV. Although I try to not waste too much time in front of the television, my can't-miss shows include Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girl, and Parenthood. I'm also kind of excited for the new show New Girl, because of my intense love for Zooey Deschanel. 

While at the grocery store yesterday, I couldn't help but grab the September issue of In Style. It isn't normally an issue I pick up, but I leafed through a few pages at a friend's house this weekend & couldn't resist. Fall fashion, in all it's layered glory, is definitely something I'm thrilled about. I've been putting together a "Fall Fabulous" board over on Pinterest, and am clearly drawn to boots, scarves, things in the marigold family, and stripes. 

Are you bemoaning the fact that the dog days are over, or are you ready to embrace the season of changing leaves and crisp weather? 

{Image via Penelope Illustration}


ashleyTIA said...

I love that we have such similar TV taste! Parenthood is my absolute favorite. I'm excited about fall nail polish too. Working on a whole post about it. Jer can't understand why I'm repainting my nails each night. Boys. ;)

Lexington said...

I absolutely adore September and we have such similar tastes in television shows, love of scarves and school supplies.

Trena K said...

I agree with you! I loathe Summer and look forward to Fall and Winter every year. Yay for pumpkins and leaves and football and new sharpies :)

Oh! And we only have one week until we get to spend time with the Bravermans again!

I need to watch You've Got Mail now...