Monday, September 26, 2011

Solitude, Friendship, & Chicken

It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but a great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

This weekend, though quite short (aren't they all?) was near perfect. It held equal parts of solitude, time with dear friends and new friends, and productive time to take care of errands and tackle projects. Sandwiched between busier weekends and hectic work weeks, it was just what the doctor ordered. 
Friday evening I had a much needed solo night at my apartment. I threw together a random "dinner" based upon what was in the fridge, lit a bunch of tea lights, and caught up on last week's episode of Parenthood. Fueled a bit of relaxation, I was then able to do a bit of cleaning and organizing around the apartment, which I'd been putting off. 
Saturday began with sleeping until I naturally woke up, which in my opinion is one of the best things in the world. I am NOT a morning person, and a snooze-button-aholic, so the opportunity to stay put in bed until I was ready to emerge was a real treat. Saturday night, M & I met up with some friends for Indian food and then went to see the movie Drive. While not my typical fare and a little gruesome in parts, it was a very well done movie & Ryan Gosling is a hunky dreamboat. 
Sunday, I put on my brave face and headed to Alexandria to meet up with a bunch of fellow bloggers for a brunch. It's funny for me to say "fellow", since I'm so very new to blogging, but this lovely bunch of girls welcomed me with open arms. Though I didn't know anyone (aside from through their blogs) before walking in, as I walked back to my car, I couldn't help but reflect how comfortable it was to be in the presence of such creative, friendly, and like-minded women. Major thanks to Ashley for coordinating. I'll do a post later this week sharing a few photos from brunch & sharing more about the girls who attended.  
Sunday evening, as promised, I roasted my first chicken.  I took Chelsea's advice and tried the "beer butt chicken" method. While a bit unorthodox, it was absolutely DELICIOUS. We also roasted carrots, red potatoes, and an acorn squash. It was so lovely to put everything in the oven, clean up the kitchen, and have some time to read while the apartment filled with delicious smells. And, this is a great example of why having a blog is so important -- I posted it as a goal at the beginning of last week, heard feedback from you lovely folks, and actually accomplished it by week's end. 
Wishing you all a fantastic start of the week. 


Lauren Drugan said...

Sarah, I had to put on my brave face on Sunday too! But I am so, so grateful to have met all you lovely ladies. I sincerely hope we're able to keep in touch and do it again soon! And good on you for accomplishing your chicken-roasting goal! That's awesome :)

Sarah Rosemary said...

It was so nice to meet you! We are Sarah Squared, huh? ;) How lucky are we to have a great group of local bloggers. We need to get together again soon. I would love to pick your brain on marketing and PR...

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Sarah - I was so happy to meet you this weekend and I love reading your blog. I'm definitely an introvert (and definitely NOT a morning person), so I can relate to all your posts and the need to put on your brave face on Sunday...I was so nervous! And then it turned out everyone was so nice and it felt like we had all been friends for years...can't wait to meet up again!

So impressed with the chicken roasting, much as I love to cook, I'm still scared to cook "large meats"!