Thursday, February 27, 2014

Favorite Podcasts

About 7 months ago, my commute to work changed from 25 minutes to between 45 minutes and 90 minutes (thank you, DC traffic!). To keep my mind sane on those long drives every day and help feel that I wasn't "wasting" it while sitting on the Beltway, I started listening to podcasts and audio books. I'd always enjoyed the occasional podcast, but I hadn't started listening with any regularity or devotion until I was sitting in my car for a potential of 3 hours per day. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a Spotify sing-along does happen on a particularly grueling day, but these fabulous podcasts have certainly become a bright spot in my week. 

The Sarah R. Bagley Podcast - I'm lucky enough to have Sarah as a blog-friend-turned-real-life-friend, and I'm so happy that she started this podcast venture this year. The premise behind her podcast (and lovely blog) is "a recovering perfectionist's guide to a B+ life", and I find it incredibly inspiring. Plus, she's been interviewing other favorite bloggers of mine, and it's been so fun to hear the actual voices of those blogs I have been reading for years. 

Ask Me Another - I'm late to the party on this one, but it is just such fun! It's a quiz style game show with hilarious banter and Jonathan Coulton as the house musician. I literally laugh out loud, smile, and occasionally applaud when I listen to this one. And, when I occasionally know the answers, I feel like such a smarty pants. 

Joy the Baker - Joy and her best friend Tracy are just delightful. They talk about "totally important unimportant things", as well as answering listener questions. Listening to these two is like spending time with your best girlfriends, and I laugh and feel inspired in equal parts. 

After the Jump - This podcast by Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge is such a treat to listen to each week. Grace is very well spoken and inspiring, and she spends the half hour show either interviewing a designer, chef, or artists, or talking by herself about the tools that help her life and business. Recently, she's been doing a series on things that make things easier, from apps to social media to lessons she wished she'd known when she started her business. 

Pop Culture Happy Hour - This hour-long show features a spirited group of people discussing movies, TV, music, books, and nostalgia. It's always entertaining and informative, whether they are discussing my current favorite TV show or something I'm not familiar with. 

I'm always in the market for new podcasts, so please share your favorites with me! 

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

I recently posted my favorite podcasts, there's almost too many for me to keep up with! Lately I'm loving Snap Judgement and many of the podcasts on Slate, as a mama I enjoy Mom and Dad Are Fighting, which is honest conversations about parenting. Ask Me Another sounds like fun, will have to check it out!