Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Power of Red Lipstick

Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin.
That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.

-Gwyneth Paltrow

Perhaps it's something in the air, the changing of the seasons, or the incessant rain we've been having this week, but I've felt the need to shake up my routine and try a few new things. 

I'm not really a lipstick girl (as much as my mother wishes I was). Most days, I throw on a little Rosebud Salve throughout the day and that's about it. But, on the rare occasions that I did wear a little color on my lips, I noticed myself feeling more pulled together. Inspired by a talk with two of my close girlfriends this past weekend, I decided to take the leap and buy a tube of red lipstick. 

I knew I wouldn't have a clue which shade would suit my fair skin and dark hair, so I decided to let the ladies at Sephora decide for me (plus, I had a gift card). I sloshed through the rain, umbrella in hand, after work yesterday and declared "I'm looking for a sheer red lipstick for fall". Within minutes, I had been paired with the perfect shade, Nars Flamenco. It's not too pigmented, a little on the rosy pink side, and totally fit the bill. Even though it was still pouring rain as I left the store, I had a little spring in my step as I finished the rest of my errands. Despite my casual top and jeans, I felt elegant... and a little sassy. 

Sometimes the smallest things really do make the biggest difference. What's one tiny step you can take toward making today brighter?


Sara Rose said...

Oooooooooooooh I adore it. I'm also totally jealous. You look fantastic!

Melissa, The 25th Hour said...

I need to stray and try to do the lipstick thing! I've just been a straight Burts Bees kinda girl, but lipstick always seemed so classic to me. Maybe I'll try it soon :] or like you, let the ladies at Sephora help a girl out!

I think it's exciting your PR + Marketing. I'm graduating with a Bachelor's in PR soon and then going to grad school for Marketing within a couple years! You give me hope :]