Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Type A

 A goal without a plan is just a wish.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Over the years, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a type A personality. I don't adapt well to change, I like to be prepared, and I am in a considerably better mood if my bed is made and there aren't dirty dishes in the sink. 

Even in this digital age where my iPhone rarely leaves my side, I prefer a paper planner. I do use Google Calendar for appointments, but love charting my week + to do lists with a pen and paper. Thanks to the suggestion of the ever inspiring Kimberly Wilson, a few years ago I began using Planner Pad. It's certainly not as eye-catching as many planners on the market now, but it's incredibly functional and works like a charm for me. 

I used to spend Monday mornings at work charting out my week & accumulating my various to do's, but have recently found that Sunday evenings are the perfect time for me to do this. First, I carry over any lingering tasks from the previous week. Then, with the help of my Google calendar, I add any appointments or social engagements. After that is finished, I create my various tasks lists at the top of the planner, corresponding to different subjects at work (and always a personal/weekend list). I truly put everything on these lists, from "schedule haircut" and "e-mail mom re: weekend trip" to my top task for work that week.

I highlight the most important tasks so they stand out to me, prioritize my tasks for Monday, and make sure that there is enough quiet/unscheduled time for an introvert like me. Taking just an hour to do this every Sunday night has had such a positive effect on how I feel Monday morning and leaves me ready to face my week.

This week in particular is one of those jam-packed weeks for me. From work to social events, unscheduled downtime is hard to come by. Prioritizing and organizing have helped me feel less anxious and more prepared for what's in store.

Do you have any Sunday night rituals to get ready for your week?

(Image from We Heart It)


ashleyTIA said...

I love this!! One of my favorite things is planning out my week. Now I'm off to peruse Kimberly Wilson's site. Happy Wednesday!

Sara Rose said...

Mama paints her nails.

Mama has her chamomile tea and makes her weeks to-do lists (yes WEEK TO DO LISTS).

I have a good chitchat with my own mama.

I cuddle my babies and I watch a Doctor Who with the husband.

The usual few rituals. :)

Krystal said...

I'm the same way in that I can't leave dishes in the sink or my bed undone. One of my biggest pet peeves is leaving a task half done...but I recently had a baby, and I'm going crazy because nothing gets done until the munchkin goes to sleep at 10pm, and by then I'm sleepy myself!

Maybe I'll let her in on this little trick of yours. ;)
