Monday, November 18, 2013

A Calm Life

"Keeping up with the Joneses" is no joke when you're in your 30s. It can appear that everyone is getting married, buying houses, having multiple babies, taking luxurious vacations, and decked out in the latest trends. In my world, I am pretty proud of myself when I make the bed, get to work reasonably on time, and manage to go to Trader Joe's on the weekend. But, as I've steadily been learning these past few months, it's okay to be happy with a calm life

This past weekend was one that was almost "ideal" for me -- a weekend that left me feeling connected, relaxed, and prepared for the week ahead. I didn't really do anything thrilling, I spent a lot of time at home and yet felt calm and peaceful as I got ready for bed last night. My handbag was cleaned out and organized, the fridge was full of food for the week, a good book awaited me on my nightstand, and there were fresh sheets on the bed. For me, that's about as good as it gets. 

As an introvert, finding things that "refill the well" and leave me recharged and ready to conquer a busy day or week are extremely important. While I enjoy socializing and especially one-on-one time with friends, too much socializing and not enough time taking care of things for myself leaves me feeling out of balance. Building time into my schedule as intentional downtime is absolutely essential to me. 

My favorite things that help keep me balanced (and that I try to make time for every week, if possible) are: 

+ Spending a weekend morning in bed with a cup of tea and a good book 
+ Setting aside time to tidy the apartment and go to the grocery store on Sundays 
+ Keeping my TV watching more intentional (i.e. just the shows I watch regularly and not mindless channel flipping) 
+ Spending the last 15 minutes of every work day (and 30 minutes on Friday) prioritizing my tasks for the next day 
+ Listening to audio books on my long commute 
+ One-on-one coffee dates with my favorite lady friends 
+ Literally scheduling downtime through the week or weekend, to spend as I please, not just time that happens to be available as it happens 

Because of this, I tend to not make very many social plans throughout the week and to be okay with only a few plans during the weekend. I also feel much better when things are tidy and in order (i.e. the dishes done and the bed made). Several weeks ago, I was home on a Friday night doing laundry and it struck me just how content I was doing just that. Other people were likely out clacking around in heels and sipping expensive martinis, but I was 100% happy with matching socks and watching Scandal. 

And so I realize, it really is okay to be happy with a calm life. After all, isn't life all about finding the things that make you happy, peaceful, and calm? I'm not saying I never feel the need to be out and about with red lipstick on, but I'm finding more and more of what makes me happy and making those things a priority. 

Wishing you a happy, relaxing week filled with the things you need. 

{Image via Pinterest}

1 comment:

Flora and Fauna said...

I find myself feeling this way a lot lately too and like you I love it! Ain't nothing wrong with enjoying the simple things in life! Your weekend sounds dreamy :) xoxo