Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Creating Space

In this digital age of virtual calendars, to-do lists, and perpetually over-scheduling ourselves, it's so hard to allow ourselves room in our daily lives to just be. As an introvert, I often have to literally schedule unscheduled time for myself in my planner, but even then, packing our days and weekends full has just become the norm. I also tend to cherish unplanned moments to just have true downtime (i.e. reading, watching TV, taking a nap) and don't realize that filling those spaces with other restorative activities can have an even greater impact.

One morning last week I was facing a long day at work, the kind that typically made me want to hide under the covers until the last possible moment. But that morning, I decided to try something different. I got up earlier than normal (only about 30 minutes) and gave myself time to get ready without being in a hurry. I wasn't racing against the clock as I traveled to work, and even enjoyed listening to a new podcast (have you listened to Pop Culture Happy Hour yet? It's my new favorite).

And, a strange thing occurred -- I actually found myself in a terrific mood when I arrived at work, with more energy than usual. And with less sleep? It seemed a little backwards, but it led me to realize what other areas of my life could benefit from a little extra space. 

This past weekend, my beau & I found ourselves with a completely unscheduled Saturday. We headed out to Takoma Park, a neighboring little town with cute shops and spots for lunch. We planned on having lunch there, but after lunch, we decided to swing by a cafe just down the street for a hot beverage and a sweet treat. As we wandered in, we realized that it wasn't really a "to go" type place, so we decided to settle in and sip our drinks out of actual mugs. What a treat to not rush off somewhere! We sat & chatted, and afterward decided that coffee dates should be a part of our regular repertoire. 

What small changes, but what big impact on my daily life and mood. I hope to keep creating these little areas of space for myself, and am excited to see what fills them.


Unknown said...

I totally relate to this. It takes something truly unique or special to get me to do something on a Sunday evening. I've found I'm much happier facing Monday when I've had a few hours of me time. I'm all about finding these moments whenever I can.

Pink of Perfection said...

It's so funny and so true: just that tiny act of sitting down to have your coffee does feel completely different. You slow down. You look into each other's eyes. Whenever we do it, I love it--now we've just got to do it more often! :)