Thursday, January 5, 2012

Clean Slate

And the time came when the risk it took to remain the bud 
was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.
Anais Nin

Ten days in Ohio was just what my soul needed: inside jokes, curling up under a fluffy blanket, countless mugs of tea made by my mom, harmonizing around the piano, and eating every Christmas cookie I came across. The problem, of course, was that it was over in the blink of an eye. As with most things that we look forward to and spend months planning for, time presses on. Before I knew it, I'd loaded up my car with my stuffed suitcase (anyone else a chronic over-packer?) and hit the lonely road back to DC. 

Of course, after settling in, unpacking, and watching a few episodes of Downton Abbey, everything looked a little rosier. Being back in a routine has always been a better fit for me, and I have been cherishing the new perspective that some time away has given me. As I mentioned before I headed home for the holidays, I spent some time mid-December brainstorming goals & dreams for 2012. Now that we're officially in "resolution" territory, I thought I'd share a few things I hope to accomplish and/or keep in mind for this month. 
  •  Attend 1 yoga class at an actual studio: after my beloved yoga studio in my neighborhood closed, I haven't yet found another place to practice. I'm going to research a few that are in the area and attend at least one class this month.
  • Make my bed every day: It's such a simple thing, really, and just takes a few minutes. But this small act helps me feel more prepared for the day, and instantly puts me at ease when I come home. 
  • Weekly phone calls with my best friend: I've been very blessed to have the same best friend for 24 years, since the first grade. In the final weeks leading up to Christmas, he and I talked several times a week, solidifying our plans for the holidays. I want to make a conscious effort to pick up the phone once a week, so we can keep up-to-date on those day to day details. 
  • Spend more time reading: I set a goal on Goodreads to read 25 books this year. While I do always have a book on the go (and am part of a wonderful book club), I only read 16 books this past year! I'm well on my way to my goal, already having finished one book (Mindy Kaling's excellent "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?") and started my second (this month's book club pick, "The Paris Wife").
  • Plan a weekend getaway: A goal that fell flat for fall was planning a little weekend getaway with my beau. This month (even if it doesn't happen until February or March), I'd like to find a cozy little cabin with a fireplace that's just an hour or 2 away. 
Wishing you all a lovely start to this brand new year.  

{Image via Pinterest}


tessica said...

Please let me know how "The Paris Wife" is! I've had it on my Amazon Wishlist for awhile now, but always decide on something else over it...

Sara Rose said...

Fabulous. Love you, lady. Absolutely wonderful!

Lauren Drugan said...

I attend a great studio called East Meets West, but it's in Vienna. I wish that were closer to you! Let me know if you want to carpool over there together for an evening or weekend class.

I'm glad to have heard another accolade for Mindy Kaling's book - I hope to pick it up this week! Have you read Bossypants yet? It's so, so good.

Regarding the cabin search... Virginia's state parks and state forests have a lot of cabins for rent in all parts of the state. And Maryland might, as well! Hope you find a place you love! :)

Happy new year!