Monday, October 3, 2011

Brunch & New Friends

When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.
Joseph Campbell

As you know, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. Very new. I really, truly appreciate those of you who have begun this new journey with me. Though actually writing blog posts is a new venture for me, reading blogs have been a part of my daily life for years. I love finding a new blog where I just instantly connect with the author & want to carve out time to read through the archives. 

Shortly before I started my blog, I found one of those instantly connected blogs in Ashley of That Is All. Her love of nail polish, The Happiness Project, and positive & peppy spirit immediately made me realize I'd found a kindred spirit. How wonderful that she also lived in the DC area! Finding her blog was a wonderful nudge to start my own, an idea I'd been toying with for over a year. 

About a week after I'd started my blog, Ashley posted that she was hosting a blogger brunch in Alexandria, a chance for local bloggers to meet in person. Even though I truly think I had published all of 2 blog posts at that time, I took the leap and e-mailed Ashley to RSVP. Even though I barely consider myself a "blogger", I figured now was a fine time to jump in with both feet. 

I'd be lying if I said there weren't butterflies in my stomach as I navigated Alexandria's brick sidewalks on the way to meet Ashley and the other girls. Some of these girls had been blogging for 10 years, and I had 10 (well, make that 11) posts on my blog. Would they think I was foolish for lumping myself in the same group as them? What would I have to contribute to the conversation? And, most importantly, was I wearing the right outfit? 

I was put immediately at ease when I sat down at the table. What followed was 2 hours of laughing, bonding, picture-taking, and connecting with a very full table of lovely ladies that I can now truly call friends. I felt inspired, at ease, and relieved to meet a group of women with whom I had so much in common. 

Because, you know what? It's HARD to make friends when you're in your late 20's/early 30's. I've been blessed to have a wonderful network of friends since moving to DC six years ago, but there was just something so refreshing about joining a table of strangers and leaving knowing that I had expanded my network, forged true connections with new friends, and fostered new confidence within myself that where I am right now is where I need to be. 

Without further adieu, here are links to the blogs of the fantastic women I met. Add them to your Google Reader. You won't be sorry. 

{Photos courtesy of Ashley}


Funnelcloud Rachel said...

It IS hard making new friends as an adult! And while I have a lovely group of "old" friends - meeting new people when you're not in school anymore is hard. I'm so excited that blogging has paved the way to meet some new people in the area.

As for being new to blogging - the conversations about this at brunch the other week really had me thinking. Despite the fact that I've been writing and sharing my life at Funnelcloud for about a year and a half (and had a photo blog for years before that) I've never really considered myself a "blogger" - more just a person who has a blog. To me, the people with the big name blogs - Dooce, Pioneer Woman, etc, are bloggers. But really, we're all bloggers - we all write and put our thoughts out on the internet regardless of who's reading or how long we've been doing it!

I'm so glad you've decided to share your thoughts on City Mouse Speaks - you've been a delightful addition to my Google Reader for the past few weeks!

Sarah Rosemary said...

Your name is Sarah, you enjoy nail polish, and love The Happiness Project? Clearly, we were meant to be friends!

I agree with Rachel. I often don't feel like I'm a "real" blogger like Dooce, etc.. But I am! What's a "real blogger?" I think we are all real bloggers - and have a lot of awesome things to share!

ashleyTIA said...

Awww...I love this post, Sarah. I completely agree with you on how hard it is to make friends when you are an adult.

So glad you came!

Becky said...

Regardless of how long you've been doing it, blogging is like the mafia - once you're in, you're in for life!

Can't wait for our next meetup!

Karin said...

I totally thought I left a comment when you first posted about our Blogger Brunch...hmmm. Anyways, I know it's been a couple weeks now, but I'm still thinking about how fun it was! We need to plan an Arlington meet-up...maybe Westover Beer Garden or coffee somewhere? :)