Monday, November 5, 2012

Restorative Weekend

It's been hectic recently, in that way that makes me feel a little like Jessie Spano during her studying-for-finals-while-singing-in-Hot-Sundae phase. You know the feeling: there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, you always feel a little behind on work, and you're complaining more than usual. That's how this past month has been, and I hated that time was whirling by at breakneck speed during my favorite season of the year. 

This weekend, life intervened and caused me to slow down and take it all in. During a weekend where I'd promised I'd spend a little time catching up on my work to-do list,  I came down with the sniffles on Thursday evening. I had no choice but to throw my lofty list of work tasks out the window and invest in feeling more like myself, mentally and physically. 

As we know, I'm really great at the self care that involves taking a nap, watching a marathon of shows on Netflix, and otherwise distracting myself from the stress at hand. But what about engaging in activities that really restore me and make me realize that my life is full... but of beautiful, lovely things and not just emails, deadlines, and decisions. 

So this weekend, I read my friend's little girl a bedtime story and tucked her in. I baked pumpkin chocolate chip bread and shared a loaf as a hostess gift. I ate a bowl of the best chili I've had in a long time. I enjoyed my first eggnog of the season. I had brunch and shopped with some of my favorite lady friends. And I didn't let myself feel guilty for not doing something more productive, because I've got to refill my own well before I have anything to give to others. 

Sunday night, I got out my planner and mapped out my week. Yes, it's going to be a busy one. But because I slowed down this weekend, there is more space in my mind, heart, and life to be able to tackle those pesky administrative items and not be bogged down by them.

{Image via Pinterest}

1 comment:

ashleyTIA said...

"Refill my own well" - Love that, Sarah. Thanks so much for sharing. : ) I hope you are having a wonderful week.