Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Fall To-Do List

All this talk about fall got me thinking: what is on my to-do list for my favorite time of year? 

  • Bake my mom's apple pie (it was a blue ribbon winner at my hometown's fall festival!)
  • Take a picnic lunch and go for a drive/hike on Skyline Drive 
  • Finally finish season 2 of Downton Abbey
  • Begin "CrockPot Sundays" (self explanatory) 
  • Enjoy my current fall wardrobe - no more clothes shopping!
  • Go on a camping trip with my beau (nearby bathrooms mandatory)
  • Read a classic book I've never read (The Great Gatsby is on tap for my book club)
  • Light candles more frequently
  • Buy some mini pumpkins and decorate my apartment
  • Say goodbye to a few TV shows that I'm not loving any longer (Grey's Anatomy, I'm looking at you...)
  • Take a day trip to a few of my favorite Northern Virginia wineries 
  • Enjoy a weekend with my dad and stepmom (they'll be here in mid-October - hurray!)
What are you looking forward to this season?

{Image via Pinterest}

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall, My Old Friend

 When the humidity fades and that cool autumn breeze arrives, my energy and mood improve considerably. September and October might just be my favorite time of year. For an introvert like me, the beginning of the slowing down and focusing inward is extremely appealing, and the mugs of warm tea and flickering candles don't hurt either. 

I've been doing a lot of thinking about where I get my energy recently. When I describe myself as an introvert, some are surprised. I'm not particularly shy and I am certainly one of those people who can talk to anyone about anything. But, that is not where I get my energy. In fact (and no offense, friends), large social situations actually drain my energy. It isn't to say that I'm not having a good time, it's just that for me, I charge my batteries with large doses of unscheduled time alone. One on one time with friends or my beau are the exception to this rule, but generally speaking, this is how I operate. I feel as if summer isn't exactly an introvert's natural habitat. With so much going on and the emphasis on being "out and about", I can feel a little out of my element at an all day pool party or backyard barbeque. 

When planning my weeks and especially weekends, I've got to make sure there is enough unscheduled time thrown in the mix. While I know my beau isn't thrilled with my love of planning the weekends on Monday, it really helps set my expectations and know how much downtime I need to plan during the week to offset it. I know it may sound silly to some, but if I don't get enough unscheduled time, anxiety creeps in & I'm even less content in the social situations. 

Fall is like nature's little nudge that it's okay to be a little introverted -- a Saturday morning spent lingering at your favorite brunch spot or (better yet) cozy in bed, an evening after work in a cozy chair with the book you just can't put down, or inviting friends over for chili that you threw in the CrockPot. Slowing down is natural, and I feel that this season is more in tune with my inner rhythm than any other (though I warn you, I'm one of those confusing people that loves winter as well).

Also, the "back to school" nature of this time of year means that it's a wonderful time to reflect, plan, and organize. Last night, I spent over an hour charting out September & October in my planner, making bullet pointed lists of all of those nagging life administrative items that must be taken care of. 

Regardless of your extrovert vs introvert status, I think fall is the perfect time for us all of us to slow down a little and refocus on what brings us happiness. For me, it's finding that balance between social time and solitude, with some new school supplies thrown in to keep me organized. 

Happy September!

{Image via Pinterest}

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Variations on a Theme

I love the inspiration and new-found motivation that comes with the changing of the seasons, and the transition from summer into fall is my favorite of all. As soon as I flipped my calendar to September, I started feeling the urge to brainstorm, plan, and organize.

It was with this thinking yesterday that I pulled out a blank page in my notebook and started to jot down some goals for September. But as I was putting pen to paper, this simple string of words came to me: read, bake, yoga, laugh, create, be. And so, my theme for the fall (and perhaps life) was born.

Read: I’ve been enjoying a year of good reading so far in 2012. With the discovery of library lending for the Kindle, my book club, and swapping Kindles with a friend, I’m always in the midst of a book I love. Currently I’m reading Beautiful Ruins, and next up is The Tiger’s Wife, for my book club. I’m also eager to peruse my September Real Simple magazine, and to keep up on reading some of my favorite blogs.

Bake: I’m not much in the kitchen, as I’ll be the first to admit. But lately, on Pinterest, I’ve found myself pinning a lot of baked goods. My lofty goal is to bake a layer cake, but I may ease in with some banana bread, pumpkin muffins, or these dark chocolate pistachio cookies I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.

Yoga: I feel much better when I am regularly doing yoga, but unfortunately, it’s  one of the first things to go when things get busy. Somehow, I feel that flopping on the couch for a How I Met Your Mother marathon is better for my soul than turning inward for yoga. While sometimes this may well be the case, I am making it a priority to return to taking at least one yoga class per week. I’m writing it in my planner and making it happen.

Laugh: I’ve been lucky enough to be laughing a lot lately, largely in part to my beau, funny friends, and Arrested Development. This past Saturday we watched the original Footloose movie (my first time seeing it!) and the commentary with my friends and I kept me laughing well into the next day. This month, I’m going to keep surrounding myself with people that make me laugh, and try to take situations lightly that would otherwise cause my brow to furrow.

Create: I do a bit of graphic design for my day job, and occasionally there are so many projects in the hopper that my eyes start to cross. But this is a creative outlet for me, so I’m going to tackle each project with fresh eyes and take pride in what I’ve done. I’m also striving to take more pictures (do you follow me on Instagram?) and regularly ordering prints from Prinstagram. A few weeks ago, I took about 5 minutes and taped up a heart using some of my printed pictures, and I love the result.

Be: I’m going to unplug as often as possible, enjoy the moment as it is, and just be. I’m going to strive to be myself in all situations, and the best version of myself that I can be. I’m going to take each day as it comes, appreciate the good, and leave the bad.