Thursday, March 1, 2012


 Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie

Gratitude has been on my mind recently, specifically the thought of being grateful with what you have. It all began with the season of Lent. Although I haven't really "given something up" for Lent since I was in 8th grade (Whatchamacallit candy bars), this year, I felt compelled to revisit the idea. Another personal goal has been reigning in my personal spending, since I have no willpower when it comes to purchasing yet another striped shirt or bottle of nail polish. But what started with a simple wish to curb clothing + cosmetic purchases has really opened my eyes to how the attitude of "what you have is enough" translates to other areas of my life. 

I've been wishing for a new stereo for my car, since I don't have an audio in port capable of listening to music/podcasts from my iPhone. It was really bumming me out, since I'd basically had the same CDs on repeat (hello, Katy Perry) for months. It left me feeling kind of impatient and bored while I was driving, and I had been relying on making phone calls -- safely, with earbuds in -- on my commutes to & from work. Tuesday morning, on my way to work, I randomly turned on the radio, which was tuned to the local NPR station. Eureka! I've never been a big NPR person, but something about hearing the time, weather, and breaking news in soothing voices was a great preparation for my day. It's my new ritual, and something easy, free, and available to me all along.

Along with my obsession with nail polish, I've also been on a lipstick/lip gloss kick recently. I found I was purchasing a few a month, always looking for that "perfect" color (I am my mother's daughter). But was I actually wearing lipstick or gloss that often? Though my purse boasted 5+ that I could swipe on at any given moment, how often was I actually appreciating and using what I already had? So now, I'm making an effort to wear it daily. Even today, when I'm wearing my glasses, I'm impressed by how pulled together some color on my lips makes me feel.

I can also become a little gloomy when I think about how far away I live from so many of my loved ones -- but am I appreciating the friendships I've made here? Due to my introverted ways, not really. These past 2 weeks I've had dinner with an old friend I hadn't seen in two years (but that lives mere miles down the road), set a date to have a relaxing night at a dear friend's apartment, and hosted a classic movie night with pizza & Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  

In truth, what I have is enough. Whether it's something small and material like lip gloss or as important as investing in a friendship, blessings abound. I don't need anything else, and taking this time to focus in on that (while also saving a bit of pocket change) is a journey I'm enjoying with every step. 

{Image via Pinterest}


ashleyTIA said...

Absolutely needed to read this tonight. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sarah. Let's get together for some more bonding soon!

In Which We Start Anew said...

This was wonderful! I'm so glad you're finding ways to appreciate what you do have in your life... that's a lesson I find myself relearning in little ways all the time. :)

In Which We Start Anew

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Lovely, as always. I have the same problem with cosmetics - I always "need" something new, but realized I always wear the same favorites. Lately, I've been "shopping" within my own collection and trying to use and rediscover what I already have. A good reminder for so many aspects of life.

Unknown said...

Such beautiful thoughts and something I always have to remind myself, too. The feeling of constantly wanting is so unsatifying and such a vicious cycle.