Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tiny Boosts

 Never underestimate the power of...

...a small piece of dark chocolate
...30 minutes to close your eyes in a dark, quiet room
...checking off everything on your to-do list for the day
...an snail mail card from your mom 
...painting your nails a fun, new color 
...getting a great bargain on a pair of boots 
...re-watching your favorite TV show 
...running across a mix CD from college and remembering every word
...finishing a project that's been in the back of your mind for months 
...playing a high scoring word in Words With Friends
... coming home to a tidy apartment 
...a Sunday afternoon nap 
...sitting at the counter at your favorite brunch spot
...a little liquid eyeliner and lipstick
...a few deep breaths 
...listening to your favorite song 3 times in a row
...a long, soothing shower or soak in the tub 
...a supportive hug from someone you love 
...drinking a glass of water 
...not turning the TV on 
...lighting a few candles around your apartment
...being grateful for the small things
{Image via Pinterest}


Lauren Drugan said...

"...running across a mix CD from college and remembering every word" YES! THIS!


sarah said...

sarah, your posts are like a breath of fresh air, a mini retreat from the busy-ness of life... dare i say, a tiny boost (:

Becky said...

Amen to all of this! Happy weekend friend!

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

LOVE as always! Printing this one out as a reminder!