Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mashed Potatoes for the Soul

I am a creature of comfort. I've spoken of my introverted ways before: my preference for a night in over a night out, my love of winter weather for the "let's stay in and snuggle up" mood it inspires, and my need to refuel after too many social plans. But, I've also had a life long tendency to return to familiar things, TV shows, and activities as a source of comfort. It's kind of like comfort food (i.e. mashed potatoes), but for my soul. 

With so many fantastic new forms of entertainment out there, I have no problem reaching for something new and loving it. But there is just something about rewatching those Sex and the City or How I Met Your Mother episodes, reaching for your well worn DVD copy of When Harry Met Sally, or leafing through a book that you've read a dozen times. It's familiar, it evokes a feeling of comfort, normalcy, and "home", which in this transient land I live in is worth its weight in gold. 

Earlier this week, I found myself with a DVR full of goodies to be watched (and goodness knows I'm the type to think of that sort of thing as an item on my to-do list), but instead felt drawn to season 4 of Sex and the City, which I own on DVD. I had some things to do around the apartment, and wanted something I could sort of half-watch, knowing when to tune in and which moments I could watch with one eye. 

It's such a good feeling, isn't it, knowing what to expect? Having that familiarity after a particularly taxing day at work or when the schedule for the next few days is full to the brim. It's also one of the many reasons why I love calling my best friend, Jeff. I've been lucky enough to call him a friend since we were six (!) years old. While one of the things I love most about our friendship is our ability to grow together and stay an active part of each other's lives (despite living 1,000+ miles apart), I also love the familiarity of talking with someone who has known me since the first grade. 

I struggle, often, with NOT knowing what to expect and unknown territory. Sometimes, I express way too much anxiety over not knowing what to wear to a certain social engagement (stripes, again?) or how to respond to an unfriendly email. But, I'm taking steps towards the age old adage that the only thing you can control is your own attitude. And, if watching Ted steal that blue French horn, even if I've practically got it memorized, helps keep me in balance? Bring it on. 

{Image via Pinterest}


ashleyTIA said...

Gorgeous post, Sarah. You know that I'm a homebody too, & love nothing more than watching Because I Said So for the 1,000 time. ;)

Lauren Drugan said...

Yes! I just watched the blue French horn episode the other day :) :) :)

This post was honest and deep, and I really enjoyed reading it. I've felt a little out of balance lately and you have inspired me to take a look at what I can do to re-balance myself. Thank you!

MidwestDrawl said...

Yes to all of this! My boyfriend and I just confessed to each other that one of our favorite things in the world is just enjoying good food on the couch together while watching something awesome.

To be honest, sometimes I really get down on myself for turning to comfort rather than trying a new movie/book/restaurant/bar, but like you said, sometimes you just want a familiar friend (i.e. Rory Gilmore) talking to you while you clean the house or pay bills. The more I let myself let this be okay, the happier I am. As long as I don't forget to try new things too, and bank them for later :)

Caiti said...

I'm right there with you, especially right now, as I am spending a lot of quiet time at home since my husband left for Ireland already. I've been watching Friends reruns like crazy, and love a good Gilmore Girls or Felicity episode thrown in pretty regularly. I want to feel surrounded by the familiarity of "old friends," even if they are just TV characters!

Sometimes I scold myself for it-- why am I not watching one of the dozens of documentaries I have in my Netflix instant queue (which I really *do* want to watch at some point)? Why am I eating at Panera or Chipotle AGAIN? But it's true, these things really do comfort me. I really enjoyed your perspective on this! :)

Anonymous said...

This times one million. So many things in my life have been up in the air as of late, and even though I have 10 films from TCM on my DVR right now, I had to watch the Slap Bet with Robin Sparkles twice this week. I love new adventures and travels---but I think I crave comfort and the familiar even more. It's nice to know I'm in good company. :D

Unknown said...

I can totally relate to this. I love rewatching old shows and movies (we're currently watching old episodes of How I Met Your Mother :). I always order the same dishes when we go out to eat, but my husband is the complete opposite; he gets bored easily.

Sometimes I wish I were more open to new things and change, but there really is something so comforting about knowing what to expect.