Friday, January 3, 2014

A Fresh Start

In previous years, I haven't really enjoyed the concept of making resolutions. To me, the focus always seemed to be on how we were deeply flawed and needed to "fix" ourselves in the coming year -- lose weight, save money, be the best versions of ourselves possible -- all just because the calendar flipped to January. I'm a big fan of the fresh start, but the fact that it can come at any time of the month, year, or week. 

Something about this year was different. For starters, I happened upon Lara Casey's blog and her phenomenal goal setting techniques. So, I opened up a new note in Evernote and just started typing -- what worked in 2013? What didn't work in 2013? Believe it or not, the words flowed freely, and I realized that 2013 was a big year for me and started momentum that I'd like to keep going.  

Here are part of my lists of what worked and didn't work for me last year: 

WHAT WORKED IN 2013 Highlights and things I’m proud of 

  • Moving in with my boyfriend & taking a step forward in our relationship 
  • Letting go of my  25 year friendship with my former best friend 
  • Investing in my mental health & taking great strides in controlling my anxiety
  • Reading 37 books 
  • Traveling to California & Charleston 
  • Singing in an alumni musical theater showcase at my college 
  • Doing the 30 day yoga challenge 
  • Watching quality TV - House of Cards, Scandal, Downton Abbey
  • Investing in my friendships (girlfriends & couple friends) 

Room for improvement 
  • Work/life balance
  • Mindless TV watching & social media checking 
  • Oversleeping & running late to work  
  • Letting other people's emotions control my own
  • Having a negative attitude at work 
  • Comparing myself to others 

I'm thankful for the inspiration that is surrounding me at this time of the year -- on blogs, Pinterest, and Twitter, as well as in "real life" around me. I think the process of reflecting on 2013 and looking forward to 2014 is a process I'll be continuing as the year progresses. 

Happy fresh start, friends! Let's keep this inspiration and reflection flowing all year long. 

{Image via Pinterest}