Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Time to Bloom

 "And the time came when the risk it took to remain the bud 
was more painful than the risk it took to bloom." 
 -Anais Nin

Typically, I don't look forward to the arrival of spring. I'm one of those rare people that prefers cold temperatures and snow to warmth and summer, so when the calendar changes to April, I usually feel my energy draining a bit. But this year, there is something magical in the air.  

It all started when we changed the clocks a few weeks ago - all the sudden, it was light out on my drive home, and my apartment was filled with beautiful sunshine after a long work day. It made me feel like I'd gotten out of work early! Then, I got a pedicure with a few girlfriends, and afterward we sat outside in the warmth of the sun to enjoy coffee together. On my drive home (with the windows open, of course), I thought to myself, "Okay, spring. Maybe we'll be friends this year". 

The changing of seasons is such a beautiful thing - each one of them ushers in something fresh and new, and typically it's exactly what we need at the time. This spring, I feel like I was ready to ease out of my winter hibernation/introverted shell and bloom a bit. Maybe a bit tentatively at first, but each day, a bit more.

To me, this means that I'm going to be more appreciative of all of the light and love that surrounds me - my family, always just a car ride or Skype call away; my friends, who are there for me in the silliest moments and the most serious; and restorative time to myself, on a morning walk or reading with a cup of tea in bed. It means I'll spontaneously meet up with a friend without my planner showing me that's what's on tap for the afternoon. I'll open myself up to new opportunities and not stay content in my extremely comfortable comfort zone. I'll be a little more bold, a little more courageous.

I'll bloom a little, in my own way. Happy, happy spring.