Thursday, December 13, 2012

Making Space For New Traditions

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” 
―C.S. Lewis

I am a woman of tradition, almost to a fault. I attach great meaning to things that are done year after year, and find great comfort in rituals and knowing exactly what to expect. Part of this is because of my introvert nature - comfort & routine are things I value greatly. At this time of year, traditions are front and center everywhere you look. From watching White Christmas while I wrap presents to singing Silent Night at the church I grew up on Christmas Eve, these next few weeks will be filled with nostalgia, but this year, also a little sadness. 

When you're someone who thrives on ritual and the importance of tradition, it can be difficult when long-standing traditions end. This year, because of things outside of my control, a few of my very favorite traditions won't be happening. Several months ago, I started to dread the holiday without them. Every time I pictured Christmas in my mind, images of those events were what I envisioned. Not being good with change anyway, I wasn't sure how to approach the season with the void these events had left behind. I could attempt to salvage what remained, but what was left wouldn't be the same at all. After much reflection, I realized the best thing would be to leave those traditions in my memory where they could live on, untarnished and at their best. 

After I gave myself a little time to be sad about this, a beautiful thing happened: it wasn't a void that these old traditions left behind, it was an empty space to be filled with new traditions. After all, every tradition is brand new the first time. And, because I was so focused on planning and upholding those sacred events that happened year after year, I closed myself off to new possibilities. My beau will be joining me for the full week in my hometown this year, and I'm so excited to forge new holiday territory with him in tow. 

And that sweater that I always buy my stepdad for Christmas? Since he likely has a whole closet full already, I think I'm going to get him something different this year.

{Image via Pinterest}