Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mashed Potatoes for the Soul

I am a creature of comfort. I've spoken of my introverted ways before: my preference for a night in over a night out, my love of winter weather for the "let's stay in and snuggle up" mood it inspires, and my need to refuel after too many social plans. But, I've also had a life long tendency to return to familiar things, TV shows, and activities as a source of comfort. It's kind of like comfort food (i.e. mashed potatoes), but for my soul. 

With so many fantastic new forms of entertainment out there, I have no problem reaching for something new and loving it. But there is just something about rewatching those Sex and the City or How I Met Your Mother episodes, reaching for your well worn DVD copy of When Harry Met Sally, or leafing through a book that you've read a dozen times. It's familiar, it evokes a feeling of comfort, normalcy, and "home", which in this transient land I live in is worth its weight in gold. 

Earlier this week, I found myself with a DVR full of goodies to be watched (and goodness knows I'm the type to think of that sort of thing as an item on my to-do list), but instead felt drawn to season 4 of Sex and the City, which I own on DVD. I had some things to do around the apartment, and wanted something I could sort of half-watch, knowing when to tune in and which moments I could watch with one eye. 

It's such a good feeling, isn't it, knowing what to expect? Having that familiarity after a particularly taxing day at work or when the schedule for the next few days is full to the brim. It's also one of the many reasons why I love calling my best friend, Jeff. I've been lucky enough to call him a friend since we were six (!) years old. While one of the things I love most about our friendship is our ability to grow together and stay an active part of each other's lives (despite living 1,000+ miles apart), I also love the familiarity of talking with someone who has known me since the first grade. 

I struggle, often, with NOT knowing what to expect and unknown territory. Sometimes, I express way too much anxiety over not knowing what to wear to a certain social engagement (stripes, again?) or how to respond to an unfriendly email. But, I'm taking steps towards the age old adage that the only thing you can control is your own attitude. And, if watching Ted steal that blue French horn, even if I've practically got it memorized, helps keep me in balance? Bring it on. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tiny Boosts

 Never underestimate the power of...

...a small piece of dark chocolate
...30 minutes to close your eyes in a dark, quiet room
...checking off everything on your to-do list for the day
...an snail mail card from your mom 
...painting your nails a fun, new color 
...getting a great bargain on a pair of boots 
...re-watching your favorite TV show 
...running across a mix CD from college and remembering every word
...finishing a project that's been in the back of your mind for months 
...playing a high scoring word in Words With Friends
... coming home to a tidy apartment 
...a Sunday afternoon nap 
...sitting at the counter at your favorite brunch spot
...a little liquid eyeliner and lipstick
...a few deep breaths 
...listening to your favorite song 3 times in a row
...a long, soothing shower or soak in the tub 
...a supportive hug from someone you love 
...drinking a glass of water 
...not turning the TV on 
...lighting a few candles around your apartment
...being grateful for the small things
{Image via Pinterest}

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Oh, The Pressure

Boy, was I ready for the calendar to flip to February. While I always love the start of a new month, something about January ending seemed like it couldn’t come fast enough. I spent most of January feeling very low energy, craving quiet nights in and space in my schedule even more than usual. Post-holiday blues coupled with guilt over not being as goal oriented as I felt I “should” caused many days of just going through the motions.

There’s just something about January, isn’t there? Everywhere you look, you’re reminded that you’re supposed to be better. Magazine articles urge you to lose your bad habits, supermarkets prominently display their 100 calorie snack packs, and there is a general sense of “starting over” everywhere. Even here.

You see, the land of blogging is also the land of self improvement. You put your goals out there, you report back, you’re held a little bit more accountable than usual. But what if you don’t accomplish any of your goals? What if you slink home after work, make a piece of cinnamon toast for dinner and watch 5 back-to-back episodes of How I Met Your Mother?

But the very best part is, I know so many of you are right there with me. So what if I didn’t make my bed every day or find a new yoga studio? I did what came easily to me, and took a month to relax and restore myself.

I cleaned out my closet. I read 3 books (Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, The Paris Wife, and One Day), I caught up with a very dear friend over Vietnamese food. I went to a Thievery Corporation concert. I watched many hours of Downton Abbey. I made a delicious new soup and helped make my boyfriend’s famous chili. I made many cups of tea. I slept until noon. I had brunch in the city, browsed Eastern Market, and spent a blissful afternoon in a used bookstore.

And now, it’s February, and my planner boasts a new set of goals that I’ll aspire to achieve, piece by piece. But really, if I just accomplish painting my nails red, snuggling up with my beau on Valentine’s Day, and being a little less hard on myself? Well, that would be just fine with me.

{Image via Pinterest}