Friday, October 28, 2011

A Happy List

This week has been a doozy. I'm over the moon that Friday has finally arrived, and plan to fill my weekend with equal parts of fun, relaxation, and getting my ducks in a row. You can tell I'm having a busy week when a) yesterday's clothes are thrown on the chair, b) my bed is unmade for several days in a row, c) my nails are unpainted or (worse!) chipping, and d) my purse has become a graveyard for receipts. 

However, despite the busyness, there have been many things that have put a spring in my step this week. 
  •  Slouchy boots on the cheap from Payless - comfortable, trendy, and affordable. Goodness knows I love a flat boot. I've already worn them twice this week, and I got them on Tuesday. 
  • Oatmeal for breakfast - Since the weather has been getting cooler, I've been enjoying my favorite fall/winter start to the day. I love the way it warms me up and keeps me full until my usual late lunch. 
  • Making Kraft macaroni & cheese for dinner - Sometimes, you have to give in to the cravings of comfort food. "Food for soul" is what I always say. 
  • Sweater weather - I was thrilled to pull out my favorite heavy cardigan this morning and see my breath on the walk to the office.
  • The new Florence & the Machine album, which is available to stream online. LOVE her, and this has unofficially become the soundtrack of my week. 
On the roster for the weekend is movie night with my beau, lunch & bookstore browsing with a terrific group of inspiring ladies, and a Beethoven piano concert at the French Embassy. Oh, and cleaning out my purse. 

What is on your happy list this week? 

{Image via Pinterest}

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finding Joy

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy 
and keep choosing it every day.
Henri Nouwen

I remember a Christmas vacation back when I was 6 or 7 years old. The days off had passed so quickly and I was beside myself at the thought of returning to school. To me, the holidays had been gone in an instant, and seemingly faster than they had the previous year. As I lamented (i.e. threw a tantrum) to my mom, I remember her sharing that as you get older, time seems to just speed up. 

I'm certainly feeling that recently. Honestly, it seems that from July to this very moment has passed in the blink of an eye. I wrote last week about enjoying the moment, and have been trying to keep it in mind as I skitter between appointments and obligations. Instead of getting bogged down by weighty "life is passing me by" thoughts, recently I've been trying to do a few smaller things to appreciate the beauty surrounding me.

I love taking pictures. Armed with my iPhone camera and Canon PowerShot, I'm known to my friends and family as the historian/yearbook editor of their lives. I'm always the one saying "Now, just squeeze together for a quick picture..." and post albums to Facebook after every major (and sometimes minor) event. But, I found that while my photos were appreciated in their online capacity, nothing else ever happened with them. 

This past week, I sorted through all of my photos from this past year and picked around 50 that were my favorites. I got prints made of all of them, which was such a treat! I sent a few of them off in the mail to friends, assembled a collage of favorites on my boyfriend's fridge door, and refreshed the frames and ribbon board in my apartment. How wonderful to go throughout my normal routine and see the smiling faces and fun memories of recent months! And all of that for $10 and an hour or so of my time. 

I've also realized just how much time I spend watching mind-numbing television. Granted, there are some guilty pleasure shows (i.e. Gossip Girl) that I won't give up, but I've been trying to spend my "entertainment" hours with things of a higher caliber. Recently, my friends and I watched Dirty Dancing, which I'd never seen, and this past weekend I was introduced to the splendor of BCC's Pride and Prejudice mini-series. It's been so refreshing to catch up on classic movies/TV shows instead of watching Sister Wives or yet another rerun of How I Met Your Mother. 

Sometimes small things can make the biggest difference. What is a way you can press pause and enjoy your surroundings this week? 

{Image via Pinterest}

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blink & You'll Miss It

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back 
and realize they were the big things. 
Robert Brault

On my drive to work this morning, I realized that the leaves are already changing. This exact thing is what I look forward to every autumn, as I think the rich hues are absolutely stunning. But, those leaves are brilliant for just a brief moment before they fall to the ground and the trees are left bare for the winter. I found myself thinking "This weekend, I should plan an activity where I can really enjoy the changing leaves." But then, I caught myself. Why couldn't I enjoy them now, on a random Monday morning, at the start of a hectic week? And, all told, isn't that better than "scheduling" time to appreciate or enjoy something? Aren't the best moments those that just... happen? 

The rest of my drive, I allowed myself to turn off the portion of my brain that was already at work & drafting e-mails, and tuned in to what I was seeing. Vibrant bursts of red and mustard yellow peppering the green leaves, cars zipping along to their next destination, the warmth of the cozy scarf around my neck. This is it, you know? This is life

This weekend, I was blessed with many of those cozy, happy moments. 
  • singing along to the Beatles while stuck in traffic with my beau
  • savoring a latte while getting to know a new friend 
  • finally watching Dirty Dancing for the first time and swooning over Johnny Castle
  • making my mom's tortellini soup & realizing it tastes just the same as I remember
  • stopping by a roadside stand to buy a bag of mini pumpkins

Happy, happy Monday. 

{Image via Pinterest}

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Frozen Yogurt, Skype, & Sharpies

 Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.
Ray Bradbury

Here are a few things I'm loving recently, that are helping make this week shine a little brighter: 
  • Essie's Merino Cool nail polish (the perfect mix of gray + lavender)
  • A mid-afternoon break to get pumpkin pie frozen yogurt, complete with peanut butter cups & Cap'n Crunch cereal as toppings
  • Skype video chats with my Mom in Ohio
  • Sharpie pens (seriously, they are the far superior pen in my opinion)
  • The Wonder Years, which is now available on Netflix Instant ("get by with a little help from my friends")
  • Words with Friends - does anyone play? I swear it's helping my vocabulary.
  • The cozy sweater dress I found at Nordstrom Rack for $20
  • Katy Perry's song "E.T.", which I originally hated and now have on repeat (k-k-kiss me)
What are you loving this week? 

{Photo via Pinterest

Monday, October 3, 2011

Brunch & New Friends

When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.
Joseph Campbell

As you know, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. Very new. I really, truly appreciate those of you who have begun this new journey with me. Though actually writing blog posts is a new venture for me, reading blogs have been a part of my daily life for years. I love finding a new blog where I just instantly connect with the author & want to carve out time to read through the archives. 

Shortly before I started my blog, I found one of those instantly connected blogs in Ashley of That Is All. Her love of nail polish, The Happiness Project, and positive & peppy spirit immediately made me realize I'd found a kindred spirit. How wonderful that she also lived in the DC area! Finding her blog was a wonderful nudge to start my own, an idea I'd been toying with for over a year. 

About a week after I'd started my blog, Ashley posted that she was hosting a blogger brunch in Alexandria, a chance for local bloggers to meet in person. Even though I truly think I had published all of 2 blog posts at that time, I took the leap and e-mailed Ashley to RSVP. Even though I barely consider myself a "blogger", I figured now was a fine time to jump in with both feet. 

I'd be lying if I said there weren't butterflies in my stomach as I navigated Alexandria's brick sidewalks on the way to meet Ashley and the other girls. Some of these girls had been blogging for 10 years, and I had 10 (well, make that 11) posts on my blog. Would they think I was foolish for lumping myself in the same group as them? What would I have to contribute to the conversation? And, most importantly, was I wearing the right outfit? 

I was put immediately at ease when I sat down at the table. What followed was 2 hours of laughing, bonding, picture-taking, and connecting with a very full table of lovely ladies that I can now truly call friends. I felt inspired, at ease, and relieved to meet a group of women with whom I had so much in common. 

Because, you know what? It's HARD to make friends when you're in your late 20's/early 30's. I've been blessed to have a wonderful network of friends since moving to DC six years ago, but there was just something so refreshing about joining a table of strangers and leaving knowing that I had expanded my network, forged true connections with new friends, and fostered new confidence within myself that where I am right now is where I need to be. 

Without further adieu, here are links to the blogs of the fantastic women I met. Add them to your Google Reader. You won't be sorry. 

{Photos courtesy of Ashley}